
Songtext Ace hood flow Skepta


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Ace hood flow

It's 9' 0 clock here on BBC 1, The Chronicles of David Beckham the highlights and lowlights of one of the UK's most legendary football players. But up next, The Honeymoon starring UK MC Skepta. This film contains graphic scene of nudity, drugs and violence. Please switch off now if you feel you're going to be offended. Listeners discretion is advised

[Verse 1]
I've been keeping my ear to the streets
The UK run out of ideas
Everybody doing covers of American beats
If it ain't the Ace Hood "Hustle Hard" flow
Then it all sounds like Rick Ross to me
This is the shit I'm supposed to respect?
Fuck that nigga SMD
P A U S to the E
Dunno who you're pretending to be
I don't care what gun you bang
I don't care what drug you sell
Fuck you man
Because I got a manager, a DJ
7 MC's and five producers on my label
So before you start eating food in the game
Better bring something to the table

Too many man come in the game for two minutes
Shoot two videos, spit two lyrics
Now all of a sudden their names getting mentioned
In the same sentence as mine by the critics
What has this world come to
Man better control Z and undo
But all thanks to the love and support
I'm gassed up standing out the sun roof
And I'm screaming BBK BBK
None of them flex like BBK
And if I ever see your girl on the street
Then I'mma get arrested for TDA
Cause she knows I do it and it's real
And I don't give a shit who's got a deal
Cause if the game was a tray full of ice cubes
I'm the coldest and the hardest still

[Verse 2]
They thought the "All Over The House" video would crush me
Last week I did five shows in five different countries
The supports have still got love for me
Middle finger to the media
Hypocrites can't touch me
I'll be in Dubai eating in Nobu
Word to Dumi and T this food tastes lovely
I walk from White Hart lane to the flats opposite Tottenham police station
Payed subs to go on the radio station
Left radio jumped on the train to Leytonstone
Linked Murkle Man to make some more grime in the basement
Lemme show you bout dedication
Suffering from Underdog Psychosis tryna stay alive
Riding around on a bike
Blade long enough to go to jail for, more dots on me than a dice
The olders had the chips and the big macs
But didn't wanna let me have a bite
So it was just me, my cats and the foxes roaming the streets at night
Felt like I was wasting life
Put down the cling film and picked up the mic
For one whole year never got music money or money off white
But I know that Rome weren't built in a day
Looked at he end of the tunnel and saw light
Now me and Jme, top 30, back to back on the iTunes site, mental

Too many man come in the game for two minutes
Shoot two videos, spit two lyrics
Now all of a sudden their names getting mentioned
In the same sentence as mine by the critics
What has this world come to
Man better control Z and undo
But all thanks to the love and support
I'm gassed up standing out the sun roof
And I'm screaming BBK BBK
None of them flex like BBK
And if I ever see your girl on the street
Then I'mma get arrested for TDA
Cause she knows I do it and it's real
And I don't give a shit who's got a deal
Cause if the game was a tray full of ice cubes
I'm the coldest and the hardest still

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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