
Songtext That's not me Skepta


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Der musikalische text THAT'S NOT ME von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden That's not me (2014)

That's not me


That's not me

What do you mean, what do you mean?
Yeah, Skepta
One line flows yeah I got some of those
You get me Jme? Easy

Nah, that's not me
Act like a wasteman? That's not me
Sex any girl? Nah that's not me
Lips any girl? Nah that's not me
Yeah, I used to wear Gucci
Put it all in the bin cause that's not me
True, I used to look like you
But dressing like a mess? Nah, that's not me

It's the return of the mack
I'm still alive just like 2Pac
Girls in the front row, girls in the back
Spit one lyric everybody's like brap
Flashback to the cold nights in the trap
Now I'm in a new whip counting the big stack
Yellow-gold chains and the diamonds are black
Jack me? Nah you don't wanna do that
Anytime you see me wearing a glove
Boy Better Know I ain't coming to fight like Jet Li
Spray this till the clip is empty
I know you get what I'm saying, get me?
Love for the Gs in the ends
We don't love no girls in the ends
Last time I fell in love with a sket
But trust me, I will never do that again

Nah, that's not me
Act like a wasteman? That's not me
Sex any girl? Nah that's not me
Lips any girl? Nah that's not me
Yeah, I used to wear Gucci
Put it all in the bin cause that's not me
True, I used to look like you
But dressing like a mess? Nah, that's not me

See me, I come from the roads
Pricks wanna try and put Skepta on hold
But no, badboy I've been one of those
Wake up call, you will get one of those
One to the eyeball, one to the nose
I don't really care about your postcode
Take your girl, no dinner no rose
Two minutes in my bedroom, no clothes
Girls everywhere, girls in the club
Looking at me, tryna make a black man blush
Girls on the high street, girls on the bus
But these niggas wanna hang around us, that's sus
I don't wanna see a Stone Island, cuz
Man talk shit, I just smile and flush
I'm looking for a girl with an X factor
But I don't judge like Simon does

From day one I said I was serious
Then "Serious" hit the jackpot
People ask what music I make
Turn the volume up cuz, that's what
I don't wear no bait designer brands
I spit deep bars in my black top
You'll never see me smoking a cigarette
Cah cigarette smoker that's not me
Nah, that's not me
Nah, that's not
When I'm on the mic in a rave
I got the whole crowd bubbling like a crack pot
See me and Skepta in a video, with a nostalgic backdrop
There'll never be a day when I don't make music
Cause silent? Nah that's not me

Nah, that's not me
Act like a wasteman? That's not me
Sex any girl? Nah that's not me
Lips any girl? Nah that's not me
Yeah, I used to wear Gucci
Put it all in the bin cause that's not me
True, I used to look like you
But dressing like a mess? Nah, that's not me

Nah, that's not me
Act like a wasteman? That's not me
Sex any girl? Nah that's not me
Lips any girl? Nah that's not me
Yeah, I used to wear Gucci
Put it all in the bin cause that's not me
True, I used to look like you
But dressing like a mess? Nah, that's not me

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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