Chance The Rapper

Songtext Zanies and fools Chance The Rapper


Zanies and fools

Well we must be some zanies and fools
To? take a gamble on this love just like we do
What? a wonderfully crazy thing to do
Love like mine that we were powerless to choose
I'm so powerful every time I look at you
No? memory of anything I couldn't do
It's? possible, so possible

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah,? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Once upon a time I wasn't sure of myself
I would always claim I never had no help
Look into the mirror, the most unfair of all
Hit? the Player's Ball, it was unbearable
Another big birthday, another milestone
To make your birthstone feel like rhinestone
The caterpillars that had burrowed inside my belly
Started to flutter before I learned how to fly
I had a bunch of midlife crisises 'fore I turned 25
The teachers put me in the back where I was learning to hide
'Cause when the teachers call you special, that's a perfect disguise
I had to bury all the dancing that would burgeon inside
I got quiet, thought the silence was the perfect reply
I turn to Casper any time a nigga turn on the slide
Until I turned up at the talent show, a permanent high
I had Jesus behind the wheel before I learned how to drive
'Cause it's press

It's possible
It's possible
It's possible
It's possible
It's possible
It's possible
It's possible
It's possible

Once upon a time, a lady who tried twice
At being a good wife and giving a good life
To both of her lil' girls with ballerina tights
She called up the RE/MAX and opened her own site
Clothes and open houses, hired her own type
Alimony is phony, she paid for her own flights
Crazy office parties, she's throwin' 'em inside
And my mama sealed my fate when she opened the invite
The lady had a plan, she knew it all in advance
The party was a good mixture of employees and friends
She told the people comin' to make sure they bring their kids
Yeah, bring some food, but just make sure you bring your kids
After we arrived and after standing around
The lady take the glass and told us gather around
For a special performance from her daughters, she said it proud
But tonight they not my daughters, tonight they Destiny's Child
Out from the back came three lil' survivors
In formation, choreo tighter
One on the left, I think I might like her
One on the left, I think I might love her
Lady just folds her arms, rubs her hands
All of the lessons, learn how to dance
All of these moments left up to chance
Everything will go right as it can
It's possible

It's possible
It's possible
(Vous allez à comprir, vous allez à comprir, allez)
It's possible (Tu ta grandé)
It's possible (Tu ta grandé)
It's possible
It's possible

Once upon a time, I had carats supplied
To a pair of fair rings I would share with the bride
Every kiss begins with clear cut clarity sides
They were forever, but marriage had an apparent decline
Now we live in fear of doin' what our parents was tryin'
So every Rapunzel don't got the kind of hair you can climb
Every since they lost a slipper, every pair that they find
They say these boots were made for dancing like Mary J. Blige
We live a life apart, life so hard
Life'll never really end up like the start
We learn together how the back door feels
And we was jumping over brooms in tobacco fields
We was the same, all black folks still
Until the white man found out black votes steal elections
So they legitimized us, but behind us
It's still black folks at the back door still
For every small increment liberated, our women waited
And all they privacy been invaded
Almost every trade I got through the slave owner
Dark skin, brown, nose round, but the Bennett made it
Now I wanna give it to her, Sierra Leone, serenade
Sometimes love come with it's own barricade
Sometimes love just gotta hold, marinate
Let it hold, let it wait, here it go, here it go

It's possible (It's possible)
It's possible (It's possible)
(Vous allez à comprir, vous allez à comprir, allez)
It's possible (Tu ta grandé)
It's possible (Tu ta grandé)
It's possible
It's possible

Ayy, yo
Once upon a time, a girl from Trinidad
Had to fly to Canada and sneak into the land
Of the free and of the brave, feet under the sand
And I came in realizing nothing free in the land
Dreams of making money, had to split it with Sam
All that Making the Band, yeah, I could've did it, but damn
Had to really be on the come-up, had to stick to the plan
Went from rockin' with Fendi, now Fendi know I'm a brand
That's how God do, I'm in your top two
And I ain't number two, conquered rap, then the pop too
You gon' stop who? Get off cock, dude
This itty bitty piggy giving bitches what they bop to
I met my husband when I was 17 out in Queens
If you love it, let it go, now I know what that means
While he was up North for a body
I bodied everybody and got known for my body
My nigga home now, he the Clyde to my Bonnie
'Bout to walk down the aisle and be a mommy
Ooh, I remember when I cried like, "Why me?"
Now I wouldn't exchange my life for Armani
Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming and then it hits me
Gotta remember who I am when it slips me
Kids running up to the car yelling, "Nicki"
All my bad bitches, I know that y'all with me
Fuck they thought was sittin' in my seat?
Got a big bowl of ice cream sitting in my Jeep
Got some felons that'll put you on ice, so don't sleep
'Bout to dead this whole beat for rocks and gold teeth

It's possible, it's possible
It's possible to me

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