Chance The Rapper

Songtext All day long Chance The Rapper


All day long

And we back (Igh)
Na-na-na (Igh)

If you blink you might miss it
You gotta click it or ticket
You gotta go get to gettin' before it's gone
End it quickly as it begun
Life is short as a midget, but mine's a little LeBron
Been a minute‚ since Eminem was a blonde
I need a peace prize‚ mom‚ invented the bomb
A nigga wanted more, I would only sit on the lawn
A nigga up next like Charlize scented colognes
I'm 'bout to book a show at the Dimmsdale Dimmadome
I still could hit up Sony today and get a loan
And shout out to Miss Sylvia Rhone, we get along
But that boy advance gotta be bigger than Diddy Kong
I need stock and it gotta be Pippy Long
Can't stop‚ won't stop boppin' like Diddy's song
My next tour, it got eight legs like daddy long
I'm 'bout to have two kids that like daddy's song

We can't be out here pleasin' everybody (Oh, I...)
We know who we are (Oh‚ yeah)
And if you with me, then I'm with you darlin' (Yeah)
Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
Baby, all day long (Yeah)
Baby, all day long

This is, this is the day
Took it the scenic route, but this is the way
That's old news, baby, this is today
They gon' miss us today, you a missus today
This is, this is the day
Took it the scenic route, but this is the way
That's old news, baby, this is today
They gon' miss us today, you a missus today

Backyard blasted, dance 'til it's grassless
Patio glass, the mazel tov cocktails
Bomb, b-bombastic, used to drop acid
Marley come soon, I only drop classics
Everyone ask when that heat gon' drop
When that knee gon' drop, when is he gon' pop
The question we all got, 'cause this could be our block
You're livin' in a glass house, we can see y'all clocks
But I can see you from the other side, see y'all rocks
And we could've been Magneto, if you see our locks
But we share with the world, not just fans
Come out clean lookin' like we jumped the broom and the dustpan
So now we're scared and we actin' out
Dame Dash champagne, in the back a towel
Now I'm back in my bag and the cat is out
Burn a hole in my pocket like a Black & Mild (Ah)

We can't be out here pleasin' everybody (Oh, I...)
I know, you know, we know just who we are (Oh, yeah)
And if you with me, then I'm with you darlin' (Oh, baby)
Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
Baby, all day long (Yeah)
Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)

Hey, we made it, we made it
I'm feelin' grateful
I'm here with my favorite
Oh God, I'm thankful
Our song and we played it
So good, we played it (Yeah)
I just wanted to keep on playin' (Hey)
We made it, we made it
I'm feelin' grateful
I'm here with my favorite
Oh God, I'm thankful
Our song and we played it
So good, we played it (Yeah)

Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
Baby, all day long (Yeah)
Baby, all day long
Baby, all day long

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