Joe Budden

Songtext You and i Joe Budden


You and i

Featuring Emanny

(Verse 1: Joe Budden)
I feel like I’ve have dated every woman in the world
Most were beautiful, some were cooperate worked in a little cubicle
I done some shit to some that I would never do to you
Cause some were tailor made but still wasn't suitable
Come to yours I see why you be elusive
Some took advantage off you, some were intrusive
Some put they hands on you, some were abusive
Most cheated on you must they think you were exclusive
Ain't gotta say a word, I already know it
Even if you scared to death it's ill that you never show it
I go to sleep with fear of losing you, don't wanna blow it
I wouldn't be surprised if I did, that's typical Joe shit
I lie forever, not only do she trust me,
Her body is a work of art, there's a beauty in every ugly
So for me as a friend don't appear so horrible
Together we'll neva have to see em' again
I love you

(Hook: Emanny)
You and I, you and I seem crazy
I would die, you live my life my baby
No one else gave a damn ‘bout us
Where we go, I don't know the future
I just know, I don't wanna lose ya
We’re just taking our chance on love, on love

(Verse 2: Joe Budden)
I've been with every women in this world, except a virgin shit
Some kept my soul alive just so they can murder it
We're both broken pieces, both been hurt and shit
Both took a chance on each other and it was worth the risk
She low maintenance but she deserves a grip
Give her the best of me cause she endured the worst of it
She been through so much, still she carry on,
So if she comes with badges to carry on?
So a life without I couldn't conceive,
I tried to dump her one time but she wouldn't leave,
And I ain't want her to so that was good to see
Soon as I utter'd the world I damn near couldn't breathe
Been trough the run around, took her of the carrousel
Still in shook that her passion is unparalleled,
I know she's ex's must be mad as hell
When we were so broken down we had to gel,
I love you

(Hook: Emanny)
You and I, you and I seem crazy
I would die, you live my life my baby
No one else gave a damn ‘bout us
Where we go, I don't know the future
I just know, I don't wanna lose ya
We’re just taking our chance on love, on love

(Verse 3: Joe Budden)
Been with every type of woman, some of the baddest ones
Some were cougars, still they actin young
Some are gossip queens, but I ain’t mad at them
You make it bitter sweet, today that shit matters none
Some I knew wouldn’t last, went to grasp to gun
Some played it cool but wasn’t half as fun
Some ain’t over me, they just blame away
Some I ruined myself, others came their way
Some are models, ask left, started gaining weight
Others waited my gang, but met the same fate
Some moved to the city for a change of peace
Some I never broke up with, just let it fade away
Some never witnessed love, don’t know what we see in it
Wasn’t strange for you so it’s ill how you believe in it
If you done dated a few
If I’mma take a chance on love I thank God he let me take it with you
I love you

(Hook: Emanny)
You and I, you and I seem crazy
I would die, you live my life my baby
No one else gave a damn ‘bout us
Where we go, I don't know the future
I just know, I don't wanna lose ya
We’re just taking our chance on love, on love

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