Joe Budden

Songtext My time Joe Budden


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My time

The alternate road is a long one
But ultimately you know it will get you to the same exact destination
Yea sir
The journey’s been long
And the winds have been sure
But today none of that matters

The time is now, don’t get close
The eagle was gone, the rumours were growth
What talent is there to feel it as new?
I mean bottom is gone but the ceiling is too
I was higher than Witney, headed toward the top again
Everything I write crack, like it’s with a bobby pen
But it’s more than what you hear in a song
The wings are extended, the fear is gone
Hold up, the clips are loaded, safety is off,
The business is in the black, I ain’t taking a loss
Hold up, standards are high, hoes never hold that
The tourin is cool, the shows always sold out
The foes have met, but fuck it no one else cares
The kicks are custom, you never see em elsewhere
The stakes are high, the risk is crucial
And they love to hate me, but I love it when they do too

I've been waiting here for so long,
Gotta take what's mine
Since time will never wait
Who am I to stand afraid? It’s my time
It’s my time, it’s my time

Look, I’ve been hurt, I can pull up the scars
Matter earth is my pull up bar
The journey is long, the roads are slim
Though I thank God today I probably owe it to Sid uh
Streets were hungry, I was torn apart
Even though them jails were cold, they warmed my heart
Was living the worst but prayed for the best
Ain’t had a thing given to me, had to rape success
Had to be used for approval, had to use whatever was useful
Had to act old even when youthful
Money don’t make me, that ain’t what I’d kill for
‘Cause I was richer than I’d ever been and was still poor
Some never thought he would propel
Some talked to me just to speak to themselves
Some broke their arm while reaching for wealth
So when you come in the game make sure you leave with yourself

I've been waiting here for so long,
Gotta take what's mine
Since time will never wait
Who am I to stand afraid? It’s my time
It’s my time, it’s my time

We all got demons, a few are rival
Looked em in the eye and they became suicidal
I thought it couldn’t happen, they were too prideful
We had to orn em in on the wall as proof I survived you
Bulls were high, money was low
Strip club was poppin, wasn’t money to go
Going nowhere fast, but drugs was a one stop
Couldn’t shine selling that ten, I have my sunblock
Now I’m on acres, to the house from the loft
The women are foreign, the blouses are off
It’s a whole new me, I redefined my style
And since yesterday’s gone I guess the time is now

I've been waiting here for so long,
Gotta take what's mine
Since time will never wait
Who am I to stand afraid? It’s my time
It’s my time, it’s my time

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