Aesop Rock

Songtext Yoohoo Aesop Rock


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Der musikalische text YOOHOO von AESOP ROCK ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Triple fat lice (2017)

Triple fat lice



Excellence, set it off like Genesis, Exodus
Ladies and gentlemen, focus on the swinging of the pendulum
Good for nothin's, hold your tongue like a befriendulum

Catch me at the aqueduct
Had a couple ponies pay the charges I've been rackin' up
Homegirl tried to catch me, had to let her know I'm no good for actin', 'cept for actin' up
You can catch the acupuncture, if you act a punk

Pack 'em in and pack 'em up, jump around
Roundin' up the fakers for to break 'em in; paper thin, crumble out
Chillin' on a number cloud; less than 10, more than 8
Went from tut to honest Abe ; not a grade, modern great

Not a game, topless since I got in shape
Show it off, not ashamed
Absent from communion and immunity to iocain
Lions, tigers, spider veins

By the way, I ain't scared of Big Brother, love my little sister
I didn't vote, already got enough stickers
I still be myself, even when folks snicker
Folks don't be theyself, even when they ate snickers
Solstice, equinox, off to date a stripper
So slick when it's raining I don't need a slicker
Screening phone calls, seldom do I pick up
Contravening corn balls and sellin' corn liquor

Miss a' mine, hit her like the candelabra
Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Hahaha, L-O-L, B-R-B, S-M-H, smiley face, whatever resonate

Hope you have a pleasant day, my favorite color is heather gray
I shaved my 'stache, I had a rash but it just went away
My name is written in a language you could never say
My height and weight make up a number that you better play

When I ain't writin', I be fighting MMA
When I ain't spittin' lightin', I be drinkin' lemonade
My, gotta shield your eyes from all the light I emanate
My early shit was a big influence on Hemmingway

This fly
In loving memory of Dwight's pops, patron saint of the fish-fry
In NY pigs post pics of the pigsty
Get a loadda this shit, get a loadda this guy

Knuckle to you head bro, like "hello McFly"
Alla' y'all lookalikes look alive
Just in the nick of time, I part my lips and lick off like a nickel nine
And smear erythromycin on a simple mind

[Part 2: Aesop Rock]
My horse drinks on its own, I ain't gotta do shit
True grit from a coup to tell you "my dude's piff"
Please hold for the high noon kid
Roll dice, move chips, push lice, go big

Key I lose slips, toss foods in the cauldron
Add salt, now you got a nice stew goin'
Protectors of the realm keep a jester at the helm
The bells are like a heckler, the hell is not conjecture, fella

Cold stone wall; Schröder, what's the protocol?
Slow your roll and don't approach the homie during multi-bowl
Don't approach the pokey bowler, pay to fear the finger-tax
Roll his weed for 7 days, I'll let you get the pinky back (maybe)

Pie people climb through the fray
On coals when he walk, on time when he late
Step into the time loop, scan the room for side boob
And slide out, back with the slime in the tide pool

Find that eye of the typhoon, it's my house
All I know is night moves, fried food, and dry mouth
Haiku and magpies dyin' to peck your eyes out
Fly from the argyles to the barbed wire crown

The golden oldies, holy water to the witches
I never heard of water under bridges, what is it?
Wait, I can't pretend to care, I'm busy down in Herald Square
Standing on a soapbox, yellin' out "repent, the end is near!"

The children and their parents, who assure them "yes, that man is weird"
Maybe so, maybe though that doesn't mean death isn't here
It got a little dark there for a second
I'm terrible at parties, I'm wonderful at Tetris

I'm number 1 for anybody down to fudge the metrics
I'm Dumbledore for anybody down to smudge the lenses
I'm MENSA if you down to numb the senses
If none of the above apply, I'm just another dummy in detention

Somewhere between "I hate you all" and hungry for affection
Come jump into the tempest with the lovers and the lepers (suckers)
PSYOPs climb through blind spots
Whilst good vibes get the pine box kibosh

Rock bottom just got deeper
I bump Sun Ra and dodge frogs from the ether
Wear sweatpants every day; are less a problem, more a feature
The posse is bottom feeders and possibly Hot For Teacher

Keep a wolf at the door, bull by the horns, Dewey's on a sword
Keys to the city plus code to the green room
Toothpick throne one a pyramid of cheese cubes
None for you; Sam you can have some; Chris, get it

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