Aesop Rock

Songtext Pins and needles Aesop Rock


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Der musikalische text PINS AND NEEDLES von AESOP ROCK ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Triple fat lice (2017)

Triple fat lice


Pins and needles

Mom? Are you busy?
Not right now, honey. Can I help you with something?
I hope so. My head has really been itching lately
Let me have a look. Oh dear...
What is it, mom?
Just as I suspected, it's lice

Call me if you need a bum to bring the belching
Or a situation worsened by someone who thinks they're helping
The drums are eatin' healthy, hell he might deploy the garrison
Who rap like hanging out with rappers hadn't turned to parenting

It had. Barrel over everyone you're parroting
He don't need a map to lead a rat into the Paris green
Professionally peeking through the blinds
I will read up on your peeves, I will eat up all your fries

They dont make enough tie-dye my size

People wondering what race am I?
Yet they build an Aes and I shrine
Taxin' fools like H&R Block
Agent Orange, get your A&R shot
Space to roam, like the Italy spot
Bitter critters get at me for diddly squat
Stop. I'd point out if not for being tasteless
All your faces at the base of my... Yo

You on point, Sand
(All the time Aes)
You on point, Sand
(All the time Aes)
You on point, Sand
(All the time Aes)
Well then grab the microphone, I'm late for my own wake

Will do. Just write down the address where I can bill you
Sandy feeling wholesome 'midst the soap scum and the mildew
Councilmen for sponsoring bikinis for the swim team
Life would be tragic without Egyptian Magic skin cream

Minister of shit's creek, Ballroom Blitzing
Under cloud cover the color of fresh squid ink
Five dollar milkshake, half raw New York strip steak
Jaguar shark in the fish tank

Batman in a bird cage, bird brain
Go shorty, it's your birfday
Danger isn't my middle name, it's my first name
These pretzels are making me thirstay

Yo, my parents still don't understand
How their stoner son could turn a silver toungue into a brand
Hack pulp writer, now their younger in demand
More a pandemic crawling from the guts of the expanse

You on point, Aes?
(All the time, Sand)
You on point, Aes?
(All the time, Sand)
You on point, Aes?
(Yeah all the time, Sand)
Well then grab the microphone
And lift the Muslim ban

Twists and turns and turns and twists
When I step into the mall they yell "Burn the witch"
I serve with, wailing spirits and weeping walls
Cave dwellers and whoever looked the least evolved

He freefall through traffic, short a couple hubcaps
Sword high, wore a white tie to the bloodbath
Don Mattingly mustache
Naked lady mudflaps

Funk that, thumbtacks for your dunce cap
It's my world, my ex-girl got me a gun rack
Tried to rub against me with her funbags
Changed man, now I'm above that

I vowed to search for where they'd hidden the gem
But nowadays I'm more concerned with hittin' the gym
Boondogles of the prodigal son
Beer goggles for the cardinal sin

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