Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Word to the wise Waka Flocka Flame


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Word to the wise

Two shots to his melon, Waka Flocka
Presidentials flooded pockets for my brothers
For that dope and that Pyrex, the youngest in the projects
Turn them into pirates, empty out your pockets
Murk you and your partners, wake everybody up and some carpet
Should've kept your mouth closed, shouldn't ever start this
Soon as I'm done I'm flipping in another card trick
I'm the real shit, just call me James Harding
Don't mind me, dog, I'm just flossing
Better keep it dizzy, proceed with caution
Fuck boy, fuck boy, y'all just some fuck boys
I'm gonna have it on me, got chance in a cup, boy
Walk everywhere and my chain never talk, boy, talk, boy
Make a nigga heart beat acapella
Stomp a nigga out in Italian leather
Street nigga then we birds of a feather
Make a girl fuck a girl just for the pleasure
I'm talking boss shit, real mob nigga
Turn your wife your money, where your life got, nigga?
L type of shit, find your body parts, nigga
You a winner, you a rapping ass nigga
Just get cash, rob your ass with no mess
Spent a day in my hood probably won't last, nigga

Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Word to the wise, don't fuck with mine
Word to the wise, don't fuck with mine

20K, nigga, every club that I walk through
Face card good every city that I walk through
One phone call have my young niggas off you
Club him 43 times, round of applause you
RIP'ain't gotta get my hands dirty, that's what a boss do
Told you fuck niggas this gonna cost you
I told you, fuck niggas, this gonna cost you
When you get a nigga hit I'm the one you need to talk to
Real street shit what I bought you, welcome to mi casa
Floor made of marble, 400
K, good in the A, good in the Bay
I'm a drummer king'real nigga coming through, make way
Send them goons where you stay, in the bushes where they lay
Niggas know I don't play, man down, white flag, mayday
If you feeling some kind of way I'm sending'
I don't do no talking I just make shit happen
Drop a name in the verse bet my shooters start clapping
You ain't eating with the squad, then fuck you, nigga
I'mma say it with pride, I'mma yell it out loud

Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Fuck nigga, I'm yelling out squad
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Squad up, squad up, squad up
Word to the wise, don't fuck with mine
Word to the wise, don't fuck with mine

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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