Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext How i'm rockin' Waka Flocka Flame


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How i'm rockin'

This morning I woke up I said fuck mation
I real taking, am I paying sake, am I build that
Double J. what's happening
I got plany cash in my pocket
I gotta rock it on the west pop it
Big God father like a star signing
How they stopping, holds watching

But I ain't worry 'bout, know I'm rocky
And I bet they wanna fool me
Everybody know how I'm rocky
And this diamond dancing all over me
Know how I'm rocking

All the real nigga for me
They know how I'm rocky
And all the bad whore wanna fuck me
Cuz they know how I rocky
And that's smoke wait to say line
And she probably pop our '
Pretty bitch do squealer drugs
Like the sin and the rocky

All the bitches in here with my in over my baby
And all the niggas in here hate with my in ain't swaging
Nigga I fly for like you here for nigga
Though a hundred like what you doing for
No script nigga you should move it dog
Try to turn on from the groupie dog

Come on, come on man tell 'em we got extra
And she waiting for tricks
Shit kick all this
And she ain't total she just with the smash
Down in total broker nigga kill smash

But I ain't worry 'bout, know I'm rocky
Don't fool me cuz they know how I'm rocking
And I bet that whore wanna fool me
Everybody know how I'm rocky
And this diamond dancing all over me
Know how I'm rocking

Here's my mind, wanna cush pock
Pow rule my dog relax
Thousand niggas with me '
Damn link you so like '
Call a drink, what up yo
On the west side we apologize
On the east side we scooters that, they say the killers with that bodys that

They know how we rocking, and when the niggas catch you sleeping for the bills that you
And that chick blowing up your neck
Cuz you know that you plugging
In the face can't wait no change, she know that we stopping

Fucking a protection shit to me
You gotta be a bad bitch if you next to me
Just action on manners does she feeling me
Four years and this game and is till screaming fuck this shit
Mama sound out laddering
I know you pussy nigga envy me
Until ya'll get ready to me
One hundred like cabbage G

But I ain't worry 'bout, know I'm rocky
Don't fool me cuz they know how I'm rocking
And I bet that whore wanna fool me
Everybody know how I'm rocky
And this diamond dancing all over me
Know how I'm rocking

But I ain't worry 'bout, know I'm rocky
Don't fool me cuz they know how I'm rocking
And I bet that whore wanna fool me
Everybody know how I'm rocky
And this diamond dancing all over me
Know how I'm rocking

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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