Shoreline Mafia

Songtext Whuss the deal Shoreline Mafia


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Whuss the deal

This music video from Southland rap group Shoreline Mafia shows them partying in a kitchen with something you're more likely to find in your medicine cabinet. Rappers pouring prescription grade cough syrup into soda and sipping. Even holding up a bottle with a gun in hand

What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?
What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?

What's the deal, keep it real
I'm off the molly and I'm rolling like some wheels
If you fuck me then I might pay your bills
I rock designer shit and all that shit real
You know I got it bitch so baby what's the deal?
If you fuck can you keep quiet? keep it real
You got a nigga but he ain't really real
If it's a four or a sixteen it better have a seal
Bitch I'm smokin' on this dope, kickin' shit with my folks
If I don't want my dick sucked you better not approach
Bitch I'm posted in the field, I'm the player and the coach
If you chillin' with your bitch, I can come and fuck you both
Niggas frontin', they some bitches, you a liar and a ho
And I just got the top 'cause I ain't wanna pour
Thirty hanging like a rope, dirty dancin' with the folk
I just popped a seal, and a pill, this verse what I wrote

What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?
What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?

What's the deal, where the drank, where the drugs be?
I be coolin' where the drug dealers and thugs be
Every time they see us out they say it must be
Yeah I'm rappin' but I'm really serving custys
Bitch I'm sliming baby girl so don't you trust me
Get your homie, we'll kill him if he touch me
I love my nigga Franky, he gon' front me
Ride around with quarter pounders in the front seat
Smoking cookie, off a perc, I'm on them fun things
Your bitch be giving brain, that girl a dumb ting
We be making money, you just fronting
We be fucking bitches like it's nothing
You want smoke, you get smoke
This your bitch, she give throat
I'm on go, I get dough
I fuck hoes, I pour fours
What's the deal, keep it real
Is we fuckin'? we can't chill
She gon' fuck me with her friend
I put 'em both on xanny pills

What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?
What's the deal? is it sealed?
What you smokin', boy you smokin' on some kill?
Put a bad lil bitch on the pill
And she fucked the whole team, that's how you feel?

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