Shoreline Mafia

Songtext Break a bitch bacc Shoreline Mafia


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Break a bitch bacc

Yeah, ayy, ayy, ayy
Ayy, ayy

Shooter one call away just like Chingy
Diamonds dancing and they drip, yeah they VV
Dropped a Hi-Tech red in a kiwi
She gon' fuck if the bitch rockin' RiRi
And they wonder how I do it just like Stevie
Niggas really be yourself, don't try to be me
And they wonder how I do it just like Stevie
You need to really be yourself, don't try to be me
Rob Vicious, Sprite remix
Thirty-six in a brick, and I sell it by the zip
Chopper got a kick like David Beckham in this bitch
And I just dropped a six, I ain't rememberin' this bitch
Lil Wayne in my coupe, bitch no ceilings
Little baby get the boot, got no feelings
She wanna fuck on me 'cause it's appealing
Wanna fuck a rap nigga, it's appealing
Got your bitch on my dick 'cause she wanna fuck the boy
Beat it up, knock it down like I'm Oscar De La Hoya
I don't fight, got a toy, I'm a man, not a boy
Count the money then recount it 'cause it bring it a lot of joy
Break a bitch back, break a bitch back
'Bout to sip a whole pint, finna get smacked
This an eight up in a two, we finna mix that
Karo all you niggas' juice, we finna flip that
Break a bitch back, break a bitch back
'Bout to sip a whole pint, finna get smacked
This an eight up in a two, we finna mix that
Karo all you niggas' juice, we finna flip that

Its the young Vicious Savage, you can call me the boss
Had hop up on the track and spit a little bit of sauce
All these dirty ass hoes and you fake ass pimps
Got some youngins in the field, plot to take your shit
When I'm coming to collect you better tuck your strips
Probably fucking up a check before I fuck your bitch
And you're hard, she over here because she love my clique
And we put money over tits so don't you trust that bitch
Set him up, knock him off, it's a go like shit
And he say he ain't ever ever met a ho like this
Even told lil mama where he hidin' four five bricks
We tied him up before we robbed him, left him broke like shit
Steady thinking 'bout some dough man, I just get to the guap
Feel like I'm playing with myself, mixing the molly with Wock
Fuck your lady, hella wavy 'til the day that I drop
Vicious till the death, you know how Lil Robbie rock

Break a bitch back, break a bitch back
'Bout to sip a whole pint, finna get smacked
This an eight up in a two, we finna mix that
Karo all you niggas' juice, we finna flip that
Break a bitch back, break a bitch back
'Bout to sip a whole pint, finna get smacked
This an eight up in a two, we finna mix that
Karo all you niggas' juice, we finna flip that

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