
Songtext Who killed jane Epmd


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Who killed jane



(repeat 4x)

E - who killed jane, who killed jane?
P - not the squad kid, I think weve been framed

Verse one:

E - who killed jane?
P - not the squad yo, weve been framed
The charge
E - murder one son for the death of jane
P - murder?
E - yeah homicide kid time to take a ride
P - where?
E - downtown
P - for what?
E - to check your alibi
P - must get deep and think quick, bang a set-up
Let met get my coat
E - alright move slow when you get up
P - pts in my crib, k9s in the front lawn
First thoughts to wild, second thought to stay calm
E - you have the right to remain silent
P - cool with the roughness, I aint violent
Reached for his nine mil, partner started smiling
E - shut up mulley, turn around and keep your mouth shut
P - peep the neighbors starin as he reached for his handcuffs
Threw on the bracers squeeze tight to increase the pain
Thinkin to myself, damn... who killed jane?


Verse two:

P - they got me downtown, starin at four walls with one call
Been set-up like a roadblock, cant take a bad fall
E - sit up straight, state your name and your birthdate
And your whereabouts last night about eight
P - slow down
E - slow down?
P - somethings missing, wheres my lawyer?
Cop grilled me and said
E - yo theres your lawyer
Thingsll get rough so dont get tough and try to play games
Youre headed up north
P - for what?
E - you know homeboy, the death of jane
P - you must be insane with no brains sniffin cocaine
And if I caught a body itd be yours and not jane
E - or mr. toughy, you wish you had a nine to bust me
Im mad as hell, I dont play, my name aint dougie
P - cop got pissed, and stepped back, then grabbed his blackjack
Swung for my dome, ducked and caught my damn back
E - ooohhhh
P - couldnt feel the pain
E - whhhhyyy?
P - thinkin bout the payback


Verse three:

P - now its person so whassup?
E - whassup?
P - whatyou wanna know?
E - who killed jane?
P - ok I tell you first I gotta go
E - where?
P - check leakage
E - leakage?
P - yeah you know the john
E - take him downstairs and watch him make sure youre armed
P - cop grabbed me by my neck pushed me towards the damn door
See my homies, locked down on the same floor
E - so you wanna be a killer and run the streets bro?
P - didnt respond, just chilled to play his ego
Stepped in the mens room, still filthy from the ill broom
E - hurry up and take a piss and stop stallin you damn goon
P - that was the wrong move, how stupid, time to go for mine
Not glacial time, but the black nine
Gotta clear my name, been framed for the death of jane
Must make my move now or its ball and chain


Verse four:

P - with the iron, started firing, to let him know Im serious
Black, dont play hero cause all youse get is a flag and cap
E - easy partner, chill put the gun down
P - oh now you tryin to play me out like homey the clown
And you know homey dont play that
E - play what?


P - see, see?
E - jim, come back, the mooley shot me...

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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