
Songtext It's going down Epmd


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It's going down


Get on down (repeat 3x)

Verse one: erick sermon

Well, its the e wit the juice, Im down to get loose
Strapped in black wit the nine by the boots
Hardcore funk that make ya wanna pump a chump
My posses thick, so I will never get jumped
The slayer, a beast from the east, Im psycho
If I had a glove, I would be bad as michael
Some say, yo, I sound rugged
Pack wit the ultimate rap wit the power like snap
A.k.a. the mic wrecker
A rap star wit the boomin style, black as tar
Smokin, the es no jokin, so dont trip or flip
And make a hit, so bust it
Some aint feel the way I do when I get wreck
No half steppin, I kick back like a weapon
On the microphone, I delight
And groovy, a california quake couldnt move me

Get on down (repeat 4x)
Its going down (2x)

Verse two: pmd

No lights, no camera, but lots of action
No moonwalkin backwards, kid, like michael jackson
Strictly funk flows and steel toed timb boots to troop
State to state, stage to stage, as I clock loot
Black asiatic, rapper fanatic, automatic
Black nine mil is what I pack so kill the static
Epmd quench the sound of thumps underground
Ya stupid boy, no props here, you catch a beatdown
The squad still in effect, no record skippin
Ya stupid boy, keep the track, still bullshittin
Down wit the rap pack, still grabbin my bozack
Heres a ticket kid to ride the jim like amtrak
Got mad skills, hi-tech, been known to snap necks
From eighty-seven to ninety-two, fourth cassette
But now Im swayze, ghost, the rap host
Who rip shows, from coast to coast

Get on down (repeat 4x)
Its going down (2x)

Verse three: erick sermon, pmd

Yea, back to the picture, the scene
Its me erick sermon, my m-16
Just in case, ya know, a fight broke out
I can just chill, pull out the smoke out
One, no grill, no charcoal, no fluid
Act like bo jackson, nike, and just do it
If theres a problem, the hit squad rolls mad deep
So I can rest my head and get some sleep

While the e-double, takes a nap, no time to slack
Its my turn to guard the fort, ready for combat
Guns and violence, that we dont promote
Just takin whats ours kid, chill or smell the gunsmoke
As I pull out, squeezin like mr. charmin
Destroyin posses of demo tapes like agent orange
So chill kid and act like you know
Peace from the md a.k.a. slow flow

Its going down (4x)
Get on down...

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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