
Songtext White house Bride


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White house

He wore a 4-piece hes doin all day
He had put on Front Street: plenty to say
Started with a Bullet: started buggin out
Now hes Red Tag: Confine to a cell.
There was a blanket party There was a lock down
Somebody was Stitched up: Blook In, Blood Out
The Hooch: got deep the mainline squeezed
Fence parole rabbit drowned in his ink
Taking it to the Square: Bumpin his Gums:
The rev was called to clear the air up some
Dont mean nothin dont mean a thing
CON SOFOS (Twice as bad back at you) L.W.O.P.
If you cant Make Paper: prepare for pay back
He had been debriefed he was courting out
Started with the moan and grown, ended with the clicks
Phones off the hook lifers in the bricks
Lean and Lurch here comes the church
On the one crew trying to feed me the word
Then it just happened like a house tossing
Who says its fair Due Processing
Heres the righteous heres the holy
The redeemed of the Lord and godly
This is reality this is carnality
This is life. Life is a felony
From the White House to the Church House
From the School House to the court House
From the White House to the Church House
From the School House to the court House
Do your own time - Do your own time - Do your own time
Do your own time - Do your own time - Do your own time
Rest your neck kick the deck
Find peace within your head
When you press the bunk the shakedown comes
Its best to know Jesus what he has done
Of all the kings that have ever reigned
All the priest that have ever prayed
All the men elected president
Of all the armies thats walked on land
From the White House to the Church House
From the School House to the court House
From the White House to

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Bride is a Christian heavy metal/hard rock band formed in the 80s, by brothers Dale and Troy Thompson. Despite being criticized for their abrupt changes in style, the band has remained largely popular in the US and other places like Brazil.

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