
Songtext Dog the nine Bride


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Dog the nine

If you live in the eternal now you're a ball in hand
Never believed in luck a benefactor of the damned
Lost your rhythm and your stealing' fire breather bringing smoke
Whose got the church key more of that Claymore dope?

You wouldn't go decafe you said Jesus was a laugh
Now whose is that in the body?
In the neighborhood you thought about repenting
But you' rather take from them be the one whose given

You better know the house rules to finish in this life
Cause you'll learn the difference if you Dog the Nine
“I can not seem to say what I want to relate, but by His power I will say
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)
The picture of what he wants to portrait wants me by Hid Spirit to associate
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)

The warehouse getting smaller skitzing played yourself
Versace on your back sideways and il
You were left behind you weren't watching' you were sleeping
Now your mother's squatted down alone and she's weeping.

You might not think it's phat to apply the cross
The blood of Christ was she'd to save your soul
It's all about the sin that you're compiling
Cast salt into your violence stop freestyling

You better know the house rules to finish in this life
Cause you'll learn the difference if you Dog the Nine
“I can not seem to say what I want to relate, but by His power I will say
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)
The picture of what he wants to portrait wants me by Hid Spirit to associate
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)

(I tell you how to get it)

Yeah, yeah

You got the right to remain silent or freedom to speak your peace
Straight up with the truth I give you liberty
Why you wanna live out of bounds with a riot in your veins
Hoodlum can't find no peace only trauma in the grave

You need a designated driver for your hostility
Spiritual habitation for your responsibility
Effectual fervent prayer touches the throne of God
Your self inflicted mass suicide die with the mob

You better know the house rules to finish in this life
Cause you'll learn the difference if you Dog the Nine
“I can not seem to say what I want to relate, but by His power I will say
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)
The picture of what he wants to portrait wants me by Hid Spirit to associate
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)

“I can not seem to say what I want to relate, but by His power I will say
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)
The picture of what he wants to portrait wants me by Hid Spirit to associate
(Dog the Nine) (Dog the Nine)

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