
Songtext What's next Aitch


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What's next

WhYJay (Ahh)
Yeah, what's next? What's next? What's next?

What's next?
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest (Woo, now you can pay me the rest)
What's next?
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest (Ha, now you can pay me the...)
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Ask and make a bitch go down
Dun know, MCR, that's my hometown (Woo)
Madeleine gang and then rollout
Take mans wife, get wavy and smoke loud
No love for them, man, that's sold out
Got too much to lose, had to zone out
Come to beef wid your phone out
Boy, best watch your chin, put your phone down
Runnin' round with your chest out
Madman, you ain't big, you missed legs out
I was 'bout to go check out but true say I'm yet to get let down
Made too much noise last year
This year, I'm 'bout to pull the whole set down (Woo)
(Yeah, I'm 'bout to pull the whole set...)

What's next? (Woo) (What's next? What's next? What's next?)
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest (Woo, now you can pay me the... [BEEP])
What's next?
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest (Now you can pay me the rest)

Touch mic, it's murder
Come in the dance, start bussin' my skank
Doin' 1, 2, step then skrrt off, uh
The way I do this ting, it's unheard of
110 on the M, 25 on the trackie, I still look skatty
On the phone line talkin' big business with Sammy, gal in the passy
Loose, mix the Grey Goose with the juice
Run up a check then I come and collect, I ain't got nuttin' better to do
Uh, shit, I just got sent to the moon
You know I stay lit, I'm with the clique
(Yeah man, we up in a bit)

What's next? (Woo)
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest

Gotta rake up racks and stack, can't build up dough then do nout wid it
Gotta go chase that bag 'cause time is cash, need more than minutes
Put a graft on, I ain't tryna slap bro, I'm tryna get rich, all I want is digits
Name top three man's who's next, you're talkin' shit if my name ain't in it
Big Shell just run up on mic's, set suttin' alight, have a moshpit bouncin'
Yeah, you can say you're the guy if you think you're the guy but really I doubt it
Yeah, you can chat 'bout your gal but I seen your gal and put it where her mouth is
I just told her to go- [BEEP] (Oh)

What's next? (Woo) (What's next? What's next? What's next?)
Pick up a check, flex (Flex, flex)
Came for your neck (Woo) (Lil' pussy, I came for your neck)
Fuck up a set, now you can pay me the rest (Woo)
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah man, we up in a bit

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