
Songtext Already Aitch


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I swear I never met a chick so fine
I might move to this one and say I sing like Ty
I get her so wet because I bring that vibe
I swear to God, rude boy, you ain't never had a ting like mine
She get gassed when I check her
Hot spice, she's actually pepper
11 outta 10, got me hooked so I'm pressin' it again
Gave her back a big slap, gyally bad and she better (Better)
I must say I've got habits
Lemon in my glass, I pour some flavours out the packet
Sippin' on my liquor, see a batty so I grab it
Looked her straight in the eyes, the poor girl couldn't hack it (Huh)
And when I step through, I've got Air Force Ones on, F Loubs
Baby gal, I'm tryna see what that neck do (Neck do)
Just forget about your man and bring your friends through, uh

Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she Jenny
Say she want all of this already
Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she JennySay she want all of this already
Say she want all of this (All of this) All of this (All of this)
All of this already
Say she want all of this (All of this) All of this (All of this)
All of this already

Driver, pull up to the side, uh
I just drew a body and I wanna get inside her, wanna get inside her
My body on your body, I just wanna get inside ya
Drink Henny, no cider
She says she wanted body but it wasn't on the rider
Baby she a rider

Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she Jenny
Say she want all of this already
Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Says she want all of this already
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she Jenny
Say she want all of this already

One more sip
Just let me have one more sip
If I'm in that mood, I be on your chick
When we in that room she get on this d-
Sh-Shirt on, lookin' James Bond in whip
She got lipstick matchin' her thongs, it's lit
Make her squirt like that, you ain't got this drip
Puttin' work in, dawg, yeah, she on this shit
I don't even know where to start
I'ma be straight up, I want your brain not your heart
Gimme those eyes when she came in the yard
But we gotta do it quick, her mates wait in the car
Uh, said I get her excited
My accent she like it, her body the nicest
Sit down bill a kush cake and ignite it
Go grab me a bottle, don't care what the price is

Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she Jenny
Say she want all of this already
Let me have one more sip of the Henny (One more)
Skrr, skrr, are you ready?
Says she want all of this already
Postin' on the block, she rollin' up like she Jenny
Say she want all of this already
Say she want all of this (All of this) All of this (All of this)
All of this already
Say she want all of this (All of this) All of this (All of this)
All of this already

And when I step through, I've got Air Force Ones on, F Loubs
All of this already

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