One Be Lo

Songtext What you know One Be Lo


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What you know

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Louis nap sack
Where I'm hold'n all the work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey I know all about that
Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the 'jects where the G's at
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

See me in ya city sitting pretty know I'm shining dog
Riding with a couple Latin broads and a china doll
And you know how we ballRiding in shiny cars
Walk in designer malls
Buy everything we saw
You know about me dog
Don't talk about me dog
And if you doubt me dog
You better out me dog
I'm throwed off slightly bro
Don't wanna fight me bro
I'm fast as lightning bro ya better use ya Nike's bro
Know you don't like me 'cause
Yo bitch most likely does
She see me on them dubs
In front of every club
I be on dro I'm buzzed
Give every ho a hug
Niggas don't show me mugs
'Cause you don't know me 'cause

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Louis nap sack
Where I'm holdin' all the work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey I know all about that
Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the 'jects where the G's at
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

Candy on the '64
Leather guts and fish bowl
50 on the pinky ring just to make my fist glow
Ya bitches get low
Because I get dough
So what? I'm rich ho
I still pull a-kick-do' (kick ya door down)
What you talking shit fo'?
Gotta run and hit fo'?
Got you a yelling and I thought you put out a gun hit for
But you's a scary dude
Believed by very few
Just keep it very cool
Or we will bury you
See all that attitude's, unnecessary dude
Cause you never Carry Tools not even sweary qs
You got these people fooled, who see you on the tube
Whatever try the crew, they'll see you on the news

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Louis nap sack
Where I'm holdin' all the work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey I know all about that
Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the 'jects where the G's at
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

Fresh off the jet to the block
Burn a rubber with a top-pop
I'll pop and bust a shot and tell 'em stop and make the block hot
Ya label got got
'Cause you are not hot
I got the top spot
And it will not stop
A video or not that will bust it to the glock stop
Drag ya out that Bentley Coupe and take it to the chop shop
Partner, we not y'all
If it may pop off
I'll answer the question "Will I get ya block knocked off?"
And what it is bro
Look I'll kill, bro
I'm in your hood, if you a gangsta what you here for?
Somebody better get bro for he get sent for
You say you wanna squash it what you still talking shit for?

Don't you know I got
Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Louis nap sack
Where I'm holdin' all the work at

What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey I know all about that
Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at
Fresh off the jet to the 'jects where the G's at
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
Hey what you know about that?
Hey I know all about that

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One Be Lo è un rapper statunitense dell'underground hip hop.. È noto per essere la metà del duo Binary Star, ma ha anche realizzato diversi album come solis

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