One Be Lo

Songtext Unparralleled (original) One Be Lo


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Unparralleled (original)

"It's a matter of more men, knowing that I can do it
Everytime I get on the train, almost everyday I see my name
I said 'Yeah, you know what, I was there. I marked it'
It doesn't matter, it's for me, it's not for no body else to see
I don't care, I don't care about no body else seen it, or the fact that they can read it or not
It's for me, other graffiti writers, that we can read it
All these other people who write, they excluded, I don't care about them
No, they don't matter to me. This is for us."

[Verse One - One.Be.Lo]
We hard to the apple core, raps galore at your door
Pull crowds like a magic sword, exca-li-bor
Travel north on a saddled horse, on a battle course
Rap in codes, tap in morse, Lo never lack the force
You need to practice more, you ain't in my cat-e-gor
I rap for sport, Decompoze got my back support
So pass the torch, and of course, I can rattle yours, ask for more
The more the Marry (merry) get your raps divorced
Slice like a razor blade, mix tape brigade
Raps erase ya data- base, snatch your flavor, call you Gator-rade
Trying to get major paid, like the upper class?
You can't escape from the wrath, sufferin succatashBust your ass, with a duffle bag, full of mustard gas
Fingertips equiped, with a touch of class
We touchin' fans, we trust no man, here comes the plan
All we need is just a chance, we must advance

[Chorus: One.Be.Lo]
This is who we are
No movie stars
No nudie bars
No jewelery jars
No groovy cars
Some truly are
We just wanna see some elevation in hip-hop
Producers slash emcees when the beat drop
One.Be.Lo ripping mics, unparalleled
Trackezoids on the beats, unparalleled
Subterranous hip-hop, unparalleled

{*scratches "My beats and rhymes perfectly, configurate" - One.Be.Lo*}

[Verse Two - One.Be.Lo]
I'm just, clowing you circus acts, and nervous cats
With gerber raps, I murder wax, similar to Roberta Flack
Killing you softly, with every word, no time for stress
Petty herbs get addressed like the gettysburg
A hundred miles and racing, with a wild imagination
Even if I get the job half-done it's half-amazing
Only obligation, Trackezoid collaborations
Go together like masturbation and ejaculation
Coming with accurate calculations, configurations
Like the pyramids, lyrically, there's no equivalent
Michigan citizens, should've been sittin' in Switzerland
Listen to lyrics I roll, like a michelin
Tired of rappers, smoking phillies
Not really sayin' nothin', like Milli Vanilli, my style? Don't be silly
Don't need a filthy record deal, people still feel me
Big willies, hillbillies, I rhyme without achilles


{*scratches from New Hip Hop by Binary Star*}

[Verse Three - One.Be.Lo]
We keep it hot like the summer time, when it comes to rhymes
What my tounge designed, is nothin' but thoughts from the mind
I've come to find, most cats is deaf, dumb and blind
So I gotta scat, and get mines, {*scratches "underline"*}
I hold my own weight, most of y'all can't stay the same
Don't know the rules, but still wanna play the game
What type of stuff is that? Always trying to bluff a cat
Talking about your fake power moves, I heard enough of that
I'm trying to stay positive, give it all I got to give
Retired with the (??)
Alot blessed with when lost of kids grow old, and burried on my right side
Everybody missed me, but look on the bright side
I'm passed on the legacy, through my wife's pregnancy
The family reunion will be more like a concert
CD's and T-Shirts, Hip-Hop collectables
Some cats could've got hurt for acting unprofessional
Try to play me Glenn Close, but you had the wrong one
Couldn't hurt me in the long run, peep the song son


{*scratches "You name it, we've done it" - One.Be.Lo*}

This is who we are
No movie stars
No nudie bars
No jewelery jars
No groovy cars
Some truly are
We just wanna see some elevation in hip-hop
Producers slash emcees when the beat drop
Drop *fades*

{*scratches from New Hip Hop by Binary Star*}

When the beat drop
No movie stars
No nudie bars
No jewelery jars
No groovy cars..

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One Be Lo è un rapper statunitense dell'underground hip hop.. È noto per essere la metà del duo Binary Star, ma ha anche realizzato diversi album come solis

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