Slim Thug

Songtext What u mean to me Slim Thug


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What u mean to me

I'm in love with this bitch, can't go to sleep unless I hit
Only hoe I know that can call me a trick, and don we ran this bitch through the clique
Some bitch named Mary, she got that good, riding with me when I'm in the hood
Tipping fours and sipping fours, I'd marry that bitch if I could
Stay pumping on that strong
Brothers held back from the LA home
OG set got a nigga mind blown
Feel I could smoke the whole zip on my own
I tried to quit but can't leave that bitch
There ain't no seeds in my shit
I got the best weed in Texas
Go on pass along that message
Let me find out you stressing, in the club smoking that sprite
Put that shit back, come get high with me, today your lucky day
I ain't smoking on that hate, we stay smoking on that good
Riding candy blanket this Texas shit when I'm flipping round in my hood

Shorty always with me when we riding around
Only bitch that understand what I be talking bout
She was meant to be with me
Share her with my niggas, but there ain't no leaving me
Don't know what you mean to me

Break it down then roll it, only thing that keep me focused
In the air we smoking, not soaking, don't know what you mean to me
Take the lead, keep blowing, let tension off my shoulders
Addicted to her, she both, choking
Don't know what you mean to me

I need my medicine, smoke kush like it was prescribed to me
And when I lay in my casket I want all my G's to get high for me
Eyes funny like I'm Vietnemese, Chinese, even Asian
Woked up, smoked a blunt for breakfast, now kush cookie what I'm craving
And what I smoke is amazing, Cali grown where the weather great
Ain't no telling what I spend a week, just know we puffing that heavy weight
In the air I levitate
In the clouds that's where I stay
It ain't gon make all the pain stop but it'll ease the shit up right away
Roll one and blaze right away, feel cranked without Mary J
Only drug that I can't shake, puff puff til my chest ache
Paper, blunt, bone, shit we smoking weed in every way
Yeah in every way and we do this shit every day

Shorty always with me when we riding around
Only bitch that understand what I be talking bout
She was meant to be with me
Share her with my niggas, but there ain't no leaving me
Don't know what you mean to me

Break it down then roll it, only thing that keep me focused
In the air we smoking, not soaking, don't know what you mean to me
Take the lead, keep blowing, let tension off my shoulders
Addicted to her, she both, choking
Don't know what you mean to me

Dark skin with a sweet smell, ocean grown with the seashells
Engine room with a bad bitch, high octane, v twelve
Tell her truth, should we go somewhere more suitable? In a room you don't know what I'd do to you
Open the jar, licking on the cigar, break it down and if it look we be fruity loops
Goodies, please, blowing leaves
Wide body with a wide body
Already got it, forget about it
On the waistline, no side pocket
Top dropped, I'm drop topping
Crawling, spalling, balding, falling all on you can smell my cologne asking what I got on cause the Lord he be talking
Stand on my own, I don't come in here often
In the water with sharks I'm a dolphin
Inhaling the sticky, I'm coughing just to make sure my point got acrossed it
In the love with the folks in the apartment
They was trying to catch up but I lost them
In the morning we kush with the coffee
And the pound was like drinks is on all me

Shorty always with me when we riding around
Only bitch that understand what I be talking bout
She was meant to be with me
Share her with my niggas, but there ain't no leaving me
Don't know what you mean to me

Break it down then roll it, only thing that keep me focused
In the air we smoking, not soaking, don't know what you mean to me
Take the lead, keep blowing, let tension off my shoulders
Addicted to her, she both, choking
Don't know what you mean to me

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