Slim Thug

Songtext U mad Slim Thug


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U mad

Thugger. Boss life. Huh. GMB.

Bitch I'm back, it's thugger motherfucker, know your home is stacked.
Had to sit back, live my life, see my kids.
But they know daddy do it big every time he doing it.

Since nine eight, I've been straight.
Started shining out the gate, reppin that off on tape.
Spankin four skank back then.
That's when that chocolate town was crackin, niggas reppin they hood.

Fours turning, drow burning, and if you would wood ain't turning, your shit wasn't shit.
I'm comin down, candy blue bumper kit grill, top dropping.
Thought I was on top of the world but I ain't stopping.

Time to start copping foreigns, rap lauren, through the Texas I was callin.
Money growing, purple drink always pouring.
Diamonds lookin like it's snowing, bitch I'm glowing.
My pockets getting fatter, my bitches getting badder.
My diamonds getting bigger so my haters getting madder.
Started pulling out them drops back to back.
Still tipping, dropping was no stopping after that.

Now I'm already platinum, escape boy b.
All around the world seeing shit I thought I'd never see.
Now I'm suicide doors on them hoes.
All them foreigns on Perrellis, all the slabs on fours.
Was thinking it was oh-four, might have been oh-six.
I'm in my million dollar crib with my R&B chick.
Like life can't get better than this, but I told y'all at my house so I still ain't quit.

No time for waiting on them pages, back to making independent paper.
Had the tell and the scope, see ya later.
I'm the boss of all bosses, making my city proud.
And everywhere I go they playing my music loud.
VHO hoe, my whole team on.
Dropped Out, Running Thug, that's my two biggest songs.

Now we're pulling nine clean, riding with no ceiling.
Serving and collecting, banker count, all millions.
It's an incredible feeling.
Independent but I'm making a killing.
No more moving slow, back door with thug show.
We gon get you so high.

This for the hoes so I can have a few more show up to my shows.
Tryin to take her for a ride in the Rolls, or that drop Bent,
or that drop Ferrari, or that cocaine Hussain.
Don't get me started.

You niggas don't know where I started.
When I was broke I said if I ever get paid I'ma go retarded.
Outsmarted all the lames in the game who was in it for the fame, I was in it for the change.
Remain thugger, local rapper shining.
Your favorite rapper wrists ain't this shiny.
Your favorite rapper bitch ain't this bad.
I'm sipping, they set my path.
Fifteen years later still getting paper.
You mad, you mad, you mad..

It ain't easy man.
It may look glamor might kill ya cause you see me ride, ya dig.
Snake skin down to the floor, ya dig.
Pattern shoes to match. Diamonds on fingers and watches on em. I'm killin it.
It might look easy baby but you gon have to work for it to get to this status, baby. See you at the top.

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