
Songtext What it look like Kaliraps


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What it look like

Featuring Matt Allenn & Champ

Live life to the fullest, I ain’t scared of shit
Machinegun full of bullets and a extra clip
You better run when I pull it cuz you getting hit
What it look like? It look like money bitch!

I be balling out in Compton, I be mobbing like I’m Pac
I be flexing out in Texas, Kirko bang you in your top
Down and shout it like a hornet, I might gauge this with the rock
One hit will get you knocked, you’ll be higher than Ethan Hawke
My murder game is beautiful, stick icepicks through your cuticals
You say you got that what? We’ll be outside in your cubical
Spittin shit unusual, that Cuba good in junior flow
You rappin on cool edit pro, your bedroom’s out your studio
Your basement, no conversation,
It’s confrontations, homie face it
You on some fake shit
I’ll put your face in
I ain’t even give an F it, I’m rugged reckless to ace this
When it come to showin love I only love these bitches naked
I’m far away from planet Earth, couldn’t even stand in church
Put your fuckin flame in dirt, you’re sweeter than a can of squirt
You homo niggas, pull no triggers, probly panning first
And when I die they’ll take my body in a Phantom hearse

(Hook x2)
Live life to the fullest, I ain’t scared of shit
Machinegun full of bullets and a extra clip
You better run when I pull it cuz you getting hit
What it look like? It look like money bitch!

I put such as my flow, now I’m the hottest in my lane
Said if I’mma go out, I’mma go out with a bang
Hundred dollar bills for these hundred dollar meals
Leave 200 at the table, tell the waiter keep the change
My car clean, my flow filthy
Killed your bitch pussy for that crime I’m so guilty
These dudes posing with fake jewels, they so silly
Say they signed the so and so like oh really?
Let me take this chance to get my rap on
Chop if was hungry, he sent me to track his snack on
Half these rappers sound like they ain’t rap long
Mixtapes be nothing more than something to ash on
I got work in my truck, my 9 right in my dash
I take whatever I make, put half in the stash
We ain’t chasin no pussy, we out after this cash
So much paper upon me, that pussy coming in fast

(Hook x2)
Live life to the fullest, I ain’t scared of shit
Machinegun full of bullets and a extra clip
You better run when I pull it cuz you getting hit
What it look like? It look like money bitch!

I’m such a hall of famer, check my stats boy
5 years over my head and I ain’t rap boy
Busy tryna drop, you should try and take some help
You’ve been on the shelf so long you should try and make them shelfs
Handing me a blunt’s the only time I take a L
Work hopping out the trunk, I need a bigger scale
Oh your man just left you
Swear that nigga should’ve kept you
Save that shit for the next dude
‘Cause she just tryna get rescued
And I don’t even say numbers
Just so I could save time
I beat it up like a drummer, next day I don’t even say hi
Flippin, see I’m back flossin
So back off em
My niggas carry 9’s like a mag problem
You just frontin, see me? I’m just stuntin
System got my rims shakin like I just dunked it
Shorty got her friends hatin ‘cause they wasn’t there
Took a loss and acted like it wasn’t nothing big

(Hook x2)
Live life to the fullest, I ain’t scared of shit
Machinegun full of bullets and a extra clip
You better run when I pull it cuz you getting hit
What it look like? It look like money bitch!

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