
Songtext Hall of famer Kaliraps


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Hall of famer

Featuring Slaine

What’s the point of being free if I’m just covered in these chains baby?
I’m just being me, I was born to entertain
I grew up to be a G, but I’m tryna maintain
Know that words cut deep and I’m aiming for your veins
I’m just waiting for my moment, real love emotions all filled up
Rappers talking stacks, really they just stacking bills up
Fighting for the chance to tell they friends they passin bills up
Lying on they records, talking reckless like they kill stuff
99.9% fake shit, but I’m the 0.1 exception, greatness
You’re talking to the kid who lost his father young
Living fearless, doing robberies with broken guns
I probably should’ve took my own advice
Spent my life tryna separate what’s really wrong and right
Losing sight, future’s bright but it’s hard to see the light
I got my first class ticket, I’m just waiting on my flight so

(Hook x2)
Jet life, my head’s in the clouds
I’m hall of famer baby, I can say it proud
Every time we got, that’s when they try to bring us down
They wanna see us crash but we stay above the ground

My whole neighborhood is dope sick, we’re all inflicted with this crack virus
This picture’s description – bottles and black amish
Perkasets and work these threats from opiate addicts
Free your mind, open your attic
Grab your balls, don’t be a faggot
In a prior life I fought with a opium habit
Died at night and reincarnated through fallopian passages
My past exists, demons tryna slash my wrist
I spit the classics, I’m Michael Sneakers, I’m Cassius Fence
Philosophiers and watch as my apostles rise
I speak the truth inside the booth, then smash orbit, colossal lies
See the future raining on me through the hostile skies
My eyes are bleeding, liver poison and my nostrils dry
Why’d you put us here? I swear to God I do not know why
I wanna see my son grow up, why I got to die?
I ain’t a bad guy, my man’s stuck in this cold world
She hates my guts, why am I still stuck on this old girl?

(Hook x2)
Jet life, my head’s in the clouds
I’m hall of famer baby, I can say it proud
Every time we got, that’s when they try to bring us down
They wanna see us crash but we stay above the ground

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