South Park Mexican

Songtext We did dat South Park Mexican


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We did dat

We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat
We did dat

[Verse 1: Dum Dum]
Ain't no cappin when I'm rappin
I'm all bout dividends
Pull up in a bigger Benz
I know you feel adrenaline
Don't be mad cause ya man made it
Ya ain't dedicated
If I'm speakin anotha language than let me translate it
It was early in the mornin
Repos got the Volvos
Now I'm standin at my door
Smokin them Marlboros
Thinkin my lights be out tomorrow
And I can't beg or borrow
So if you ainb't from our side
It's day one of that horror
Now get in where I fit in
Sit down and listen
I hate startin from the bottom but hea go the new mission
When I'm in too deep
I don't believe my shit stank
No if's, and's, or cant's to get back to my old rank
Can I turn into a robber
Cock back revolver
Takin what you got
Than I'm hittin for the border
CD's, tapes, stereos
Here we go
Droppin 16 in the studio
But ya don't hear me though

[Chorus: Dum Dum and Trae]
[Dum Dum]
Overloaded Wells Fargo
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
40,00 at the car show
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
Dope House Records is my studio
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
Houston Hard Hittas video
We did dat

[Verse 2: Lil E aka Da Genius One]
I think like McGiver jsu to figure things out
I got these million dolla hands that'll outlast Boy Scouts
Now when I'm gone off dat drank I move slower than molasses
Smart like Urkel without the glasses
Now undastand how da game go
It's the same ol same ol
Make the crowd dangle
Than shine like a rainbow
Take it there
Bring it here
Cause they ain't no damn stallin
You put it down
We pick it up cause together nigga we ballin
We ballin all the time
Grippin cnady
Leavin stains
My roof popped up
Now my trunk doin the same
And you ask why these bitches wanna ride wit me
Cause I done did that
Street smarts is in me
Da Genius baby
I'm the nigga that approve yo credit
I'm dat situation that get drastic if you let it
So if you been there and done that
We da niggas that did dat
Bezatines and baggets
Yellow hoes and flaggets

[Chorus: Dum Dum and Trae]
[Repeat 2x]

[Verse 3:Trae]
Speed racer be the name destroy the rap game
Dividends and benjamins
Constant flow on pocket change
Got a nigga facin fame
Smokin weedies to ease the pain
Tuck yo shit in or get put to shame
My whole click shine
We bling and blang
H-Town chop and swang
Grab yo bitch she feel me maan
She see a playa ballin givin thanks
If you say I did dat than I did the same
Dope House 2000 baby

[Chorus 2: Dum Dum, Lil Papa, Trae]
[Dum Dum]
Lean harder than the Eiffel Tower
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
Flip the big bird and pop my coller
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
Now you know bout the Joel Cormona
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
We da shit
Do you smell the aroma?
We did dat
[Lil Papa]
Spittin game on tracks for stacks
We did dat
[Lil Papa]
Can't fold my wallet cause that bitch sittin fat
We did dat
[Lil Papa]
You want ya shorty you can have her back
We did dat
[Lil Papa]
Calm ya nerves and blow yaself a sack
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
30,000 independently owned
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
Introduce blacks and whites to chromes
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
We did dat
[Dum Dum]
We did dat

["we did dat" repeats til fade]

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