South Park Mexican

Songtext Problemas South Park Mexican


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Man so many problems baby
We feena solve em cuzz
24-7 Hustlers know what I'm sayin
Dope House Records putting it down baby, 2000

[Verse 1]
Uh uh
See I grew up in life analyzing these stars
Wishing that was me on tv pricing them cars
But hell naw if you know me then you know I got scars
Situated within pertaining to the mind and spirit
Mental spiritual but one leg of the lyrical
Ability you feeling me the shit is slowly killing me
Dont need no bitch and fa sho fuck a friend
Im solo till the end I know one I depend
Im struggling for my ends I promise you I'm gon win
Fuck the competition and fuck an Expedition
I need paper in my hands to stop me from wishing
Cada noche y dia stoy cortando mi vida
No es mentira preguntale a mi nina
Como el jugador es mi negra bonita
Ora pongate mas cerquita
Y ponle atencion lo que dice Lupita

[Hook 1]
Ven a mi lado soy to ser apacionado
Todos tus problemas a mi lado an terminado
Vive la vida tranquila y sin fatigas
Deja la maldad que no ay otra salida
Soy como el agua perdida en el desierto
Me tomas o me dejas o te quedas bien muerto
Quiero abrazarte y apapacharte
Siente mis labios son salientos con besarte
Buscandonos, amandonos, besandonos
Juntos al amanecer, al amanecer

[Verse 2]
My family neglected me
My pops was never there for me
Seems that noone cares for me
I gotta make choices carefully
Cuz cops keep on arresting me
And haters just keep on testing me
Trying to do my best but I know that deaths gonna be my destiny
Moms steady broke aint got no job
Never thought life would be this hard
Just gotta cope with the way its going and this pain I'm leaning toward
Dont wanna see my brother getting hurt or turning out like me
A hustla on these H-Town streets and ? on my balcony
I cant see the reason why I'm used to actin bad
Got me stressed and feeling mad

Look at the things I aint neva had
Cops had me dragged out my pad I cant take it anymore
Crooked laws killed my cousin Lalo at the age of 24
No remorse and revenge gotta keep things the way its been
Momma always taught me never to lose
I gotta stay true until the end
And everyday I'm watching my back
Keeping my hand up on my strap
And for the fact that I'm quick to act
You aint gonna get no second chance cuz its just like that

[Hook 2]
Ven a mi lado cuando stes desesperado
Todos tus problemas a mi lado se acabaron
Ya no te danies mas las heridas
Busca otra salida no mensiones la partida
Soy como el agua perdida en el desierto
Me tomas o me dejas o te quedas bien muerto
Quiero abrazarte y apapacharte
Siente mis labios tan salientos por besarte

[Verse 3]
As a innocent child all you see is the silence
But once you grow into the world your introduced to the violence
No more innocence no more Christmas gifts
Heres a little example so I suggest you peep this
Man I thought I had a family other than my own
But now I'm facing reality as I'm sitting alone
I guess you have nobody when you are nobody
So I have to show these people how I gets it rowdy
No more sipping Bacardi and no more hitting the party
Im putting this shit down the right way
Without my mind looking cloudy
They say its better to give than it is to receive
Thats why I give nothing but love
And in return I just live
So nothing but hate I can see it
Swallowed up but just breathe
Cuz platinum I'm gon achieve
While you blowing on trees

Uh Murdaholics
24-7 Hustlas putting it down
You already know scrilla
We got problems we feena solve em cuzz
Yeah you already know man
If it means jacking if it means robbing
Go out and get your shit nigga
Thats on the real

[Hook 3]
Besandonos, amandonos, besandonos
Juntos al amanecer

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