Dir En Grey

Songtext Ware, yami tote... Dir En Grey


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Ware, yami tote...

Who am I?
Who stops and stands still as I entrust myself to the wind, in-between the times that are limited?
Where is this place?
This place that comes crushing down, all in-between those common and familiar words?
I taint my intentions with darkness
It's easy to stop breathing...but I just want to feel you just a little more
Will you allow me to live?
One bright morning, I opened my eyes and it came tears I felt like I've realized the meaning for the first time
Don't know why, but I feel sadness when you're near me
Why can't we become one?
I put my hands out for those words that are too fragile, even just one
Please give my heart something, anything like a blade sharp enough to strike you
The emptiness of compensating
It ripens
Into just darkness...
The shouting of the sunset
One bright morning, I opened my eyes and it came tears I felt like I've realized the meaning for the first time
Don't know why, but I feel sadness when you're near me
Why can't we become one?
I put my hands out for those words that are too fragile, even just one
Please give my heart something, anything like a blade sharp enough to strike you
If you just erase your memory do you think that you can change?
If it's forgotten and changed, and you weren't you anymore
The correct value of all things will begin to look cruel
At least let me change what I have now into a voice
The terms and conditions of tomorrow
The screams are too sweet, love changes its shape
Forgetting the pain and forgetting myself
But now, I take it day by day with the flowing proof...
The correct value of all things will begin to look cruel
At least let me change what I have now into a voice
The terms and conditions of tomorrow

With the proof in the name of living...

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Dir en grey have consistently defied genre labels, mercilessly combining metalcore, rock, pop and experimental elements into their sound and adopting the beautiful, and sometimes disturbing, visual kei look. In spite of the fact that they seldom sing in English and did not tour outside Japan until 2005 they have managed to chart in the US with two tracks and perform at well attended shows.

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