Dir En Grey

Songtext Stuck man Dir En Grey


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Stuck man

The trapped city
Eyes fill with tears
I slip through the alley behind the amusement city holding the child's hand and I sell
The flesh of the fish held inside the dead fish's mouth and the bitter carnival
Bloodstained carnival
Without even knowing it, the good and the evil gets sucked into our lungs
It's the short play by the Humanists
Heil Jap
The young souls corrode and transform back into lukewarm maggots
Day by day we get used to it and we just take it in like medicine
Just like those things that are genetically modified
Fake God wake up and go to hell
Who throws tombstones to their ideology?
The rose trims again, the neck of the people with their prides highly stacked
Bloodstained carnival
Without even knowing it, the good and the evil gets sucked into our lungs
It's the short play by the Humanists
Heil Jap
The young souls corrode and transform back into lukewarm maggots
Shut up
Shut up
Shut fucker
All things are touched in the head
The pain of not being able to slice off 1lb of meat
The happiness that lasts in my memory for only 2 days
No one believes the saying, the third time does the trick
But this is the fact
Do what I say
Kill Yourself
You are all mental narcissists
The pleasure of group rape
fuck the system

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Dir en grey have consistently defied genre labels, mercilessly combining metalcore, rock, pop and experimental elements into their sound and adopting the beautiful, and sometimes disturbing, visual kei look. In spite of the fact that they seldom sing in English and did not tour outside Japan until 2005 they have managed to chart in the US with two tracks and perform at well attended shows.

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