
Songtext Uri geller bent my heart Lightyear


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Uri geller bent my heart

Youre my best friend
That's the best thing that Ive said
And this ones for everyone who
Cant see how anyone could lie
I love you, yes I do, and with that there's no other way out
But without it there's no other way that
(I can feel this)
Shes got that look down
And logistics
(I can feel this)
A perfect moment
A perfect cynic
(I can feel this)
Shes got that look down
And logistics
(I can feel this)
A perfect moment
A perfect cynic
I was there, your Vietnam
A war you couldnt win but John Wayne can
You know that I was there
Your man on the moon
Depression ends for now
But will be back soon
Sound Systems gonna bring me back up
Just play that song
Just play that song for me
Bad jokes that you don't understand
So you laugh too loud
As you think too deeply
I know, I can see it in your pork pies
A pretty face and a fake smile is where you hide
I know what you did
What you did
I was there, your Vietnam
A war you couldnt win but John Wayne can
You know that I was there
Your man on the moon
Depression ends for now
But will be back soon
Because we did not authorise the invasion of Iraq.
We did not authorise the invasion of Iran.
We did not authorise the invasion of North Korea.
We did not authorise the bombing of civilians in Afghanistan.
We did not authorise permanent detainees in Guantanamo Bay.
We did not authorise the withdrawal from the Geneva Convention.
We did not authorise military tribunals suspending due process and
Habeas corpus.
We did not authorise assassination squads.
We did not authorise the resurrection of COINTELPRO.
We did not authorise the repeal of the Bill of Rights.
We did not authorise the revocation of the Constitution.
We did not authorise national identity cards.
We did not authorise the eye of Big Brother to peek from cameras
Throughout our cities.
We did not authorise the eye for an eye.
Nor did we ask that the blood of innocent people who perished on
September 11 be avenged with the blood of innocent villagers in
We did not authorise the administration to wage war anytime,
Anywhere, anyhow it pleases.
We did not authorise war without end.
We did not authorise a permanent war economy.
I was there, your Vietnam
A war you couldnt win but John Wayne can
You know that I was there
Your man on the moon
Depression ends for now
But will be back soon
You know that I was there
Your man on the moon

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Lightyear were a hugely popular ska punk band who blended elements of ska, pop, hardcore, punk and occasionally hip-hop who were probably best known for their intense live shows that regularly saw members of the band (and unfortunately crowd) getting naked.

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