
Songtext Don't count your horses Lightyear


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Don't count your horses

Face down
Is where I find myself
Face down
Face down is where I find myself
Stronger than ever
Might snap at any time
Rest your head, it's over
Its over
When my brain is bleeding black
Then I know I'll attack
Any sorrow in me
Ill take your last statement
Ever so lightly
Ever so
Ever so lightly
Well I believe in now
Yes I believe in now
Because the past was ripping my heart out
(Your wasted intelligence in a shrinking town)
It was a rough ride but my mind is wider
Never no more, never touch the
Cheap cider
(Cheap cider)
(Cheap cider)
Total your pain, it's over
Its over
When my brain is bleeding black
Then I know I'll attack
Any sorrow in me
Ill take your last statement
Ever so lightly
Ever so
Ever so lightly
When my brain is bleeding black
Then I know I'll attack
Any sorrow in me
Ill take your last statement
Ever so lightly
Ever so
Ever so lightly
Like bands that pay
Their way onto tours
Who are cheating themselves
And cheating the floors
They've never slept on
And the people they've never met
An album cover that they haven't seen yet
Like bands that pay
Their way onto tours
Who are cheating themselves
And cheating the floors
They've never slept on
And the people they've never met
An album cover that they haven't seen yet
What Im trying to try and say is that Im trying
(What Im trying to try and say is that Im trying)
So don't expect too much because contempt is highering
I didn't ever really jump to reservation
(Chas if I hitched a ride in your train would you tell me to get off?)
I only really ever fell to reservation
And soon well all be divided
(Mark if you'd ever be here)
And then well care which we hided
[Id lend you my best ear]
I didn't ever really jump to reservation
(So you could sing to me in Nelbs Punk Rock car)
I only really ever fell to reservation
And soon well all be divided
(Jim that time in fuck knows where)
And then well care which we hided
[When the bulls chased us were you scared?]
I didn't ever really jump to reservation
(If only Bens Old General had been there)
I only really ever fell to reservation
Like bands that pay
Their way onto tours
(Ill cherish the Bars quotes)
Who are cheating themselves
(We never ever)
And cheating the floors
(Wro-ote down)
They've never slept on
And the people they've never met
[e.g. 'Don't Count Your Horses']
An album cover that they haven't seen yet
(Ill miss this so much)
Like bands that pay
Their way onto tours
Who are cheating themselves
And cheating the floors
They've never slept on
And the people they've never met
An album cover that they haven't seen yet
Like bands that pay
Their way onto tours
Who are cheating themselves
And cheating the floors
They've never slept on
And the people they've never met
An album cover that they haven't seen yet

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Lightyear were a hugely popular ska punk band who blended elements of ska, pop, hardcore, punk and occasionally hip-hop who were probably best known for their intense live shows that regularly saw members of the band (and unfortunately crowd) getting naked.

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