Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext U ain't bout that life Waka Flocka Flame


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U ain't bout that life

U ain't bout that life
Everything that growl ain't a dog you see over words, you never turn my back on y'all
U ain't bout that life
So just because his body full of ink, tattoos in his face I can tell that
U ain't bout that life
So you ain't never get it out the streets
Dip and doge the police nigga 'til I rest in peace
U ain't bout that life
So just because he robs hit licks, got shot and locked up, I can still tell ya
U ain't bout that life

He flexin', he flexin'
He ain't never flip a brick, flip a purp
He don't know how they fuck for really keep
He ain't never lose a doggy, he's fuckin' innocent
He ain't have the weapon 30 times just to keep just to kill a bitch
Them tattoos and that jury don't make you hardest
And your coochy rap about it in your car garage
You fake as hell, fake it, counterfeit
You a fart under pressure, tell quicker than your boss
Time to hit your hood with a bodyguard
They so not squad, young'uns, they will pull your cars
U ain't bout that life
I could tell the same fucker on the streets or in jail but

U ain't bout that life
So everything that grow ain't a dog you see over words, you never turn my back on y'all
U ain't bout that life
So just because his body full of ink tattoos in his face I can tell that
U ain't bout that life
So you ain't never get it out the streets, dip and doge the police nigga'til I rest in peace
U ain't bout that life
So just because he robs hit licks, got shot and locked up, I can still tell ya
U ain't bout that life

Big ball and no bite, big mouth and no fight
Flip this motherfucker fo' that bitch fine
No matter but he ain't right
Earned my G stripes as I'm livin'
I'm a robbin' it
Hell when Chelsea needs slap automo
I'm with your friend Lucas
He ain't 'bout that life, he ain't 'bout that life
We know the boy gets talkin'
200 hundred rounds in your project
At that same store barkin'
I told what the fuck? They said Diddy is fucked
Then all that false clappin', that gang bangin', throwin' the wrong sets up
Manicurin' their nails and their toes
2020, get his... in his faces
I'm 'bout that life, Yodi
I'm a thin it like a Tobe
The brick squad and the Dante Marv
Who the fuck it?

U ain't bout that life
So everything that growlin' a dollar you see over words, you never turn my back on y'all
U ain't bout that life
So just because his body full of hatin' tattoos in his face I can tell that
U ain't bout that life
So you ain't never get it out the streets, dip and doge the police,.. 'til I rest in peace
U ain't bout that life
So just because he robs his liquors, got shot and locked up, I can still tell ya
U ain't bout that life

You ain't 'bout that life, You ain't got no stripes
You talk that tuff shit but you ain't tryna fight
Let this fucker sell it all his life, he's so
Aks somebody brought in the hood his whole life
Talkin' 'bout you got prize, you work at Popeye's
Ain't never sell no work, he was too scared to go outside
Get up in that booth and he Tony Montana
Ain't got a hundred grand, clamin' you king of Atlanta
You ain't 'bout that life, young bitch you got a invention
Virgins, don't let 'em fuckin' get you when you're splurgin'
You ain't 'bout that life hoe, same signome
Cause I can tell how you talk, it ain't signals

U ain't bout that life
So everything that growlin' a dollar you see over words, you never turn my back on y'all
U ain't bout that life
So just because his body full of hatin' tattoos in his face I can tell that
U ain't bout that life
So you ain't never get it out the streets, dip and doge the police,.. 'til I rest in peace
U ain't bout that life
So just because he robs his liquors, got shot and locked up, I can still tell ya
U ain't bout that life

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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