Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Lurkin Waka Flocka Flame


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My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
Nigga we lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’

[Waka Flocka]
Hide dogs on first sight
If you ain’t gonna run that top it nigga
Hands off of Flocka nigga
Hide dogs at first sight
If you ain’t gonna run that top it nigga
Hands off of Flocka nigga
Want to flop his ass out
Shout it with that mouth about
While y’all nigga’ bring the bitch about
Ain’t a nigga’ that bend that hard
I doubt that, they ain’t shot nobody
And you ain’t shot back
Ain’t my nigga’ with a hardhead
Two penny, flat back
With an f’ in your click clack
That’s the sound of us lurkin’
Outside of your trailer
Outside of your peeps house
Outside of your momma house
Outside of the club
Chillin’ at your concert
To it ’till my fingers hurt
Waka Flame

My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
Nigga we lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’

[Waka Flocka]
That’s right if you disrespect me
Imma knock ‘em out
Pull off at his concert
And join that knowin’ with that mouth about
Nigga ,short temper like I’m JJ
Clinking like a hottub
Got hairs like a wolf
With silk on beat
With you know who
Hope your boy down the ride nigga’
All my niggas gonna ride nigga
Can’t wait ’till the day we goin’ live nigga
Rise nigga,let them fallow me
Better all fucking with me
My fingers stay sticky
Don’t leave no money around me
Look at you, playing county
Say you will toral
Say I’ll fight it to the demon
I fallow the nigga sway
You can call in my singer
Look at my skit
My nigga be playing
Chillin, waiting for the trial
They gonna notice the rail
When I lick off the shot
Man but a dry school,my flesh hot
I don’t ride clip with an A.R. ’50
Bet it wake up your flesh
Waka Flocka motherfucker

My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
Nigga we lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’

Yo I did it J
Pussy I drove up on the street
Guess at least I’ll work in ackle
This bitch sure got alot of kin
Do what I need y’all nigga to do
Ask me ’bout another bitch
Ask me ’bout a body
So I’m legally shit
I’ll free the fill
250 round,pussy
That’s that our kind of shit
Ride right in a river car
With the zone on i tip they shit
Stop hiding, duckin’ and duck nigga
Let’s go get it over with
For air sas ,closed cast
I give my all nigga,bonus here
Motherfucker I.R.
I’m tryin’ to end you permanently
Y’all niggers wanna talk it out
But me and my niggers want to burn your bits
We lurkin’
Everybody got spits on them
We lurkin’ nigga all the time we want it

My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
My boys they be lurkin’
Nigga we lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
My dawgs they be lurkin’
Squad Squad
Squad Squad
Squad Squad

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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