John Williamson

Songtext Three rivers hotel John Williamson


Three rivers hotel

From Townsville to Greenvale we're building a line
Through the ranges and the gorges and the great nickel mine
The long days are dusty and hotter than hell
And that's why we all worship Three Rivers Hotel
There's Thiess Brothers camp on the banks of the Star
Where men from all nations and walks of life are
And it's funny to listen to the stories they tell
Every night 'round the bar at Three Rivers Hotel
And we curse at the things that go wrong through the day
And vow that we'll snatch it, and go far away
But when day is done and we're soon feeling well
The laughter rings out from Three Rivers Hotel
And the night after payday there's fun and romance
It's a night for the fam'lies to sing and to dance
You can let down your hair and come out of your shell
You can do your own thing in Three Rivers Hotel
And if you listen to the bosses when the night's gettin' late
On the progress they're makin' the best in the state
They'd be finished this line and the maintenance as well
If they worked like they bragged in Three Rivers Hotel
All together now
From Townsville to Greenvale we're building a line
Through the ranges and the gorges and the great nickel mine
The long days are dusty and hotter than hell
And that's why we all worship Three Rivers Hotel
Oh the long days are dusty and hotter than hell
And that's why we all worship Three Rivers Hotel

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John Robert Williamson AM (born 1 November 1945 in Quambatook, Victoria) is an Australian country music singer-songwriter. He is well-known for playing in RSL clubs at various venues around Australia as well as being an iconic Australian entertainer who is called upon to honour Australian pure Country Music at national events. Williamson has released over thirty-two albums, ten videos, five DVDs, and two lyric books. He has received more than twenty-three Golden Guitar Awards at the Country Music Awards of Australia and has won two A.R.I.A. Awards for Best Australian Country Record. Williamson has also featured in a number of television series as well as This is Your Life. Many of his albums have gone Gold and Platinum and continue to do so. He has sold more than 2,000,000 albums in Australia alone. In 1970 Williamson's first song, Old Man Emu, went to No.1 and became gold. Another one of his classics, Mallee Boy, became triple-platinum and won him an A.R.I.A. Award.

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