John Williamson

Songtext Back at the isa John Williamson


Back at the isa

Big galvanised roofs and monster pipes black

Pink and white clouds from a chimney stack

Red dust and hawks in the wind out back

And here I am at the Isa

What do you do in a town like the Isa

Retrenched at 50 become an old miser

Drink yourself blind so you're none the wiser

Sit at home with the race form and whinge

Just over the hill in his own backyard

The landscape becomes a picture postcard

Where the colours are soft but the life is hard

On the stations here at the Isa

Tonight's the night of the rodeo ball
Before riders and bull and horses stand tall
While out in the park some black people sprawl
And share their money on flagons
There's so much more to be understood
Before coming out here like Robin Hood
The do-gooders do more harm than good
Without really knowing the Isa

Through the Leichhardt East
Where fools gold flashes
Fossick around for Maltese Crosses
Flog them off to the tourist buses
See ghost gums under the moon
Some really battle some make do
The luckier ones make a quid and pull through
Some perch at the bar like a caged cockatoo
But that's nothing new at the Isa

And it takes a special kind of girl
To stay out here in this rugged world
Keep your dignity when the oathes are hurled
I pay my respects to you
And I'll raise my glass to an outback town
To that weathered spirit that won't back down
It takes the courage of a rodeo clown
To stick it out at the Isa

Big galvanised roofs and monster pipes black
Pink and white clouds from a chimney stack
Red dust and hawks in the wind out back
And here I am at the Isa

Never thought I'd return to this lonely track

And here I am back at the Isa

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John Robert Williamson AM (born 1 November 1945 in Quambatook, Victoria) is an Australian country music singer-songwriter. He is well-known for playing in RSL clubs at various venues around Australia as well as being an iconic Australian entertainer who is called upon to honour Australian pure Country Music at national events. Williamson has released over thirty-two albums, ten videos, five DVDs, and two lyric books. He has received more than twenty-three Golden Guitar Awards at the Country Music Awards of Australia and has won two A.R.I.A. Awards for Best Australian Country Record. Williamson has also featured in a number of television series as well as This is Your Life. Many of his albums have gone Gold and Platinum and continue to do so. He has sold more than 2,000,000 albums in Australia alone. In 1970 Williamson's first song, Old Man Emu, went to No.1 and became gold. Another one of his classics, Mallee Boy, became triple-platinum and won him an A.R.I.A. Award.

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