
Songtext The steve martin Epmd


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The steve martin

[parrish smith]
Sick em champ...

Well I have a new dance, that you all must learn
You may have seen the pee-wee herman but its had its turn
Now this brand new dance, I know you not with it
You might break your neck, to really try to get it
If you seen the clumsy movie it was called the jerk
You had to check out steve martin as he started to work
He was doin freaky moves with his feet and head
With his blue farmer suit and his big pro-keds
Now if you wanna learn it, it really takes time
Thats why Im here now tellin you this rhyme
And if you never seen it, then Ill be startin
My brand new funky dance, called the steve martin
Like this... get em steve, get em
Get em steve, get em steve, get em
Get em...

Like this...

[erick sermon]
Well the dance is def, and its gonna last
I dont really think any other dance will pass
All the dancers out there tryin to freak on the floor
When they see me do the martin they try to ignore
When they see my dance, they came to a surprise
I caught the suckers ducks speakin eye to eye
While they bitin my stuff, like I wasnt there
But they didnt have the right so, I didnt care
Sway your arms around your back, then across your chest
Do the crazy leg sweep from right to left
Its the steve...

[parrish smith]
Like this...
Get em steve, get em steve, get em...
Get em steve, get em steve, get em...
Get em...

Well its back to the man on the mic you see
Because Im stuck to my dance like a dog on a flea
Now I know my dance is the funky dance comin
Pee-wee herman (bizmarkie) was pumpin (but mines is jumpin)
Its the steve...

Like this, sick em champ
(steve martins in full effect!)
Sick em champ
(yo steves a weasel! show em how your steve martin go)
Get em steve, get em steve, get em (repeat 4x)
(ahh yeah, steve martin in full effect)
Epmd, strikin once again, funky fresh in the flesh
(true, yo, pmd! oww, yeah...)
I be the p double e-m-d in the place
(yeah check this out p, I think this is the last record of the album...
Awww we made it!)
Yo yo what time is it?

[erick sermon]
Nineteen eighty-eight is so great, and eighty-nine even better
And dont forget, to take off that hot sweater...
Yeah check this out yall!
We got this funky track, ahh, yo yo yo
Check this out homeboys
Because we dope, the dope-di-dope-di-dope-di-dope
The dope-di-dope-nope-we-aint-no-joke
No-joke-no-joke, so pmd!! yo!!
We aint no joke, no-joke-no-joke-no-joke-the-dope
(on the columbo tip!)
Im the real deal homeboy, for real
(on the strength!)
Because we in there, yes we in there
And were outta here, like last year
(we lost the bandwagon, because Im housin...)
We goin straight for the kill because youre loungin
(Im strictly business!)

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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