
Songtext Let the funk flow Epmd


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Let the funk flow

[parrish smith]
Relax while I tax, or you can just max
It really doesnt matter, just stay the hell back
Poppin much junk, now the time has arose-n
I pick your card and your name has been chosen
Not all about ? line-opin? or the stick up scene
Let it flow!, you know what I mean
Im the pmd, in the place to be
Clock rhymin and I lock ya, around the tick-tocker
Suckers steady clockin at the same time jockin
So a brother like md takes a chill and lay low
Hypnotize your girl, while the funk flow

[erick sermon]
I got my girls to keep me pumpin, just like getti
Use the same fuel as mario andretti
Kickin butt in the beginning all the way to the end
He drives, I rhyme no matter what we win
I come fully equipped, with the mic on my hip
So if you real, its no time to slip
Cause when its time for some action, check on the mic-hael jackson
Do a spin grab my nuts, and start taxin
Let the mcs know that I shock like lightning
They mess with the e-double-e, I sounds frightening

[parrish] so let the funk flow
Let it flow!

[erick sermon]
Blastoff, and off you go
We usually take off fast, but now we take up slow
I would say ? bamba yards? , but Im not leavin
I dont wanna go, but the girlies keep screamin
So I will stay, if thats fine wit you
But I wont leave, until the party is through
So while Im here, let me get funky
Fiendin for the rhyme (like a four-deuce junkie)
Put the pep in your step, the stride in your glide
Epmd them goin nationwide

[parrish smith]
While the bass is steady pumpin and the beat be like thumpin
You lose your cool, then you start jumpin
Youre out of control, and Im right on track
In seconds later I work the bone out your back
To mess with the two is to mess with hot water
We like to hang, torture then slaughter
All sucker mcs, who proceed to intrude
E said (let em slide), say what but Im in the mood
For dishin and dismissin, all those who dont listen
Reel the ones whose in, as if we was fishin
So in eighty-eight, no wait I think its too late
Cause in eighty-seven, you bit on the old bait

[erick] so let the funk flow
Let it flow!

[parrish smith]
Lounge homeboy you in the danger zone
When the brother pmd is on the microphone
The slow momentum of my rhymes are divine and combined
To go off beat, and come back on time
To maintain and explain, but never sound the same
And when it comes to do this, very few remain
People on my jock for the rhymes I invent
Dip in a phone booth just like clark kent
Step out dressed to impress, with no intention to fess
Chillin hard, with the p on my chest
Rhymin on the mic, while the beat rocks steady
Throw a funky fresh rhyme and mcs fetch it like freddy

[erick sermon]
Listen to heavy metal, hardcore rock n roll
Drink a six-pack, maybe miller or stroh
Thats not the move, its about hip-hop
The love that yall playin and screamin had to stop
Lets get it straight for nineteen eighty-eight
For it can sound fine for nineteen eighty-nine
I hear the girls out there sayin e is hot
That only shows you what juice I got
And if you dont like me, and you yellin boo
Theres nothin wrong wit me, its somethin wrong with you
So let the funk flow
Let it flow!

[parrish] so let the funk flow
Let it flow!

[parrish] yo, this beat is sort of funky
[sermon] man, I aint worried about it, I know its funky
Let it flow

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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