Chance The Rapper

Songtext The man who has everything Chance The Rapper


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The man who has everything

What to get the man who has everything?
Tryna fit myself into a schedule and a wedding ring
Tryna eat everything
I was raised, it come across my plate then I better swing
Tryna turn confederate flags into confetti strings
I'm tryna back up my baby mama like Kevin Federline
Heard they got some nice-ass houses out there in Beverly
Never leave where I came from
I just need me some stockings and the chimney they could hang from
Photos so my kids can find out where they got their names from
Christmas cards so gorgeous other families wanna frame one
Real talk, I need a front yard, a backyard
A side yard, a side yard, inside bar, a dry bar
Nine cars and a garage, and it's on hella acres
I'm tired of people visitin', takin' the elevator
Well, we'll keep the elevator

Love me forever, that's all I ask of you
Love me forever, that's all I ask of you

Don't gifts get re-wrapped?
That shit could get sticky like tree sap
I gave you free raps, that shit sound like free factsWhich is 'bout as common as free Blacks
Stuck like freeze tag from one of these random police stops
Look like the treetops soon as the breeze stops
And once the debris drops, the streets 400 degrees hot
Please, man, we needin' some freeze pops
What in the world for the man who has everything?
Man, West Chatham Park could use some better swings
Used to be disheveled, I went and shoveled everything
Tell Santa to show up to doors he never ring
He never ring

Love me forever, that's all I ask of you
That's all I ask
Love me forever, that's all I ask of you

That baby is a genius
Don't teach him 'bout Santa 'til you teach him 'bout Jesus
Don't take him out the snow to try to take him on beaches
I swear it's enough leisure in this world to get lost
What's the point of gainin' chicken if you lose all the sauce?
What's the point of gainin' chicken if it can't get across?
Lost the cold hard cash, they said, "Damn, that boy soft"
Same niggas lost their souls in a fuckin' coin toss
I guess I cleaned up, Santa don't miss no names but I miss Fatimah
It's been a minute since I've seen her
Them the type of things I hate to bring up, just like the prenup
That shit be see-through like John Cena, Aquafina
But like the Christmas tape there's things that I gotta get clear
Like my papa ask the same question every year
"What to get for my boy who has everything?"
I said, "I'll take anything but everything," you know?

Love me forever, that's all I ask of you
Love me forever, that's all I ask of you
Love me forever, that's all I ask of you
Love me forever, that's all I ask of you

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