Chance The Rapper

Songtext Big fish Chance The Rapper


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Big fish


Birdman handrub
This shit fit me like a damn glove
Shit cleaner than a hand scrub
Feel better than DJ Khaled fan love
This the rock that gave pride to a man cub
Ain't no love in hip-hop
There ain’t no keepin' up with the Bennetts
Ain't no diamonds in the chain but it’s in the pendant
I only own fishbowls, but my rentals tinted
You know I'm used to movin' units like rental tenant
Real lieutenant, God's army
He like a doctor, he'll never let me shot harm me
I'm a force in the field, I never take damage
I create panic 'cause niggas wanna act fake satanic
And the labels get straight frantic
Their boiler rooms look like eight Channing Tatum's and a Peyton Manning
And they all been married
They celebrate anniversaries and nurseries and try to play Santa
But they don’t sell marriage no more
Guess bein’ all alone ain't so scary no more (Guess not)
Guess our lives ain’t for sharin' no more
Guess the tale can't end like a fairy no more, but...

I swear my story just like big fish
I've seen hoes, I was always just like "Which? Which?"
One day, big catch, hit the bait and switch switch
I was on the line, I became the big fish, yeah
I swear my story just like big fish
I’ve seen hoes, I was always just like "Which? Which?"
One day, big catch, hit the bait and switch switch (Uh)
I was on the line, I became the big fish, yeah

Anything is possible if Gucci can do it (It's Gucci)
Tractor trailer full of kush, bet Gucci could move it
Used to drive a Buick, now a Rolls Royce (Right)
I'm the young hoes' choice that make the old hoes moist
All these niggas separate all the men from the boys
All these wars I went through, felt like soldier deployed
I'm the trap god but I give the glory to God
It's a knife on my K and my tongue is a sword
I'm the plug and the cord, get it all in accord
White rings seasick, Gucci went overboard
Hublot surfboard, brought sand to the beach
All white tux on, brought the church to the streets (It's Gucci)

Yeah, Chance the Rapper, Guwop the Trapper
Huh, we just out here leadin' by example
Yeah, stand for something and fall for anything
Kings and Queens

I swear my story just like big fish
I've seen hoes, I was always just like "Which? Which?"
One day, big catch, hit the bait and switch switch
I was on the line, I became the big fish, yeah
I swear my story just like big fish
I've seen hoes, I was always just like "Which? Which?"
One day, big catch, hit the bait and switch switch
I was on the line, I became the big fish, yeah

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