Smoke Dza

Songtext The high Smoke Dza


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The high

It's all about the vibe, it's all about the vibe
Lansky roll one of them up, roll one of them turbo joints for ya boy

Uh, all my cousins deported they all Rastas
Drug dealing to buy choppers
It's real out here you can't knock 'em
No hate out against me shall prosper
My Jewish friends they yell Mazel
Put party drugs in they nostrils
Ain't worried 'bout shit and ain't got to
Patek Phillipe from Fossils
Smoking on Cheeba, sipping on Chevis
I'm in the old school, center of Portland like Arvydas
Them niggas tryna style, I'm like, "Beat it"
It's Bob Marley on my chain not Jesus
Had crack rolling, fuck your fever
Dice game clean up, lightskin joint like Adina
Step out with her fuck the scene up, ugh
Yea, she a local superstar met her at La Marina, ugh
First class to Miami I be low on Catalina's, ugh
Yea, rock Stan Smith so well got the check from Adidas, ugh
Magazines, billboards yea you see us
We goin' ape up in this bitch, this shit is lit
Fuck what happens tonight, in the morning we'll forget
Niggas plotting on us, we gon' see 'em when we see 'em
But niggas in here deep, we could fill the Colosseum
I know, I know, I know, I know the game
Y'all niggas ain't never been shit and bitches all the same
Bust it wide open, drop it down into a split
And if you do it right, this might be the night that you could quit

Oh you looking for a sponsor huh?
Too $hort Spotify, I got a song for ya
Sucks teeth, roll the ganja up
She wanna hint at a nigga that she down to fuck
Sing for me, you a songstress, huh?
On some Frankie Lymon, why fools fall in love?
She wanna suck, throw a nigga name all in mud
Just to double back to me like, "It's all good"
Same mouth that she bash me with, she get nasty with
Slick talk on some rapper shit, most times I just laugh at it
'Cause you don't know the half of it
I got the Dee Bo mind control
Jedi mind trick all kinda dough
I ain't got no time, only when it's time to go
And looking at my Rollie it's about that time
Got dollar signs all on my mind
Here cha-cha-chillin' with my homeboy Dom
Everybody like, "I need more bomb"
George Kush nigga, stay off the greenhouse lawn
Is you riding, is you staying? Is you hating or nah?
Either you dark side with it, or you roll with the God

We goin' ape up in this bitch, this shit is lit
Fuck what happens tonight, in the morning we'll forget
Niggas plotting on us, we gon' see 'em when we see 'em
But niggas in here deep, we could fill the Colosseum
I know, I know, I know, I know the game
Y'all niggas ain't never been shit and bitches all the same
Bust it wide open, drop it down into a split
And if you do it right, this might be the night that you could quit

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