Smoke Dza

Songtext The antidote Smoke Dza


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The antidote

Yo, I think I need me some medicine
I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yo, I'd rather not conversate with you
I don't got nothing to say to you
Yo, Even if we was related, I feel like I'll never relate to you
Yea, doctor gon' give me the medicine, I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine

Uh, I gots to find me the cure, I'm starting to get sick of them more
Pardon my back while I fool 'em, just drag on the floor
I wore this shit right out the store
Ain't no better feeling, sick with flow I need Penicilin
This that raw shit that Medellin
Had your hoe with her legs to ceiling
Show the king how that neck be feeling, ah
Snatch my soul, shit, Elvis left the building
Niggas mad 'cause they less appealing
Hustler since my first rap
I ain't giving work back, I'ma work that, right
Call him out, why, they ain't worth that, right
He ain't really mean it he was off that white
I ain't never even got to floss no ice
I win at life, so you lost that fight (bruh)
Already, three bad bitches took a tiger bone shot in 'em
Already, spread 'em out different floors in the telly
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Imagine how my wrist feel
Better think twice sit still
Ungrip big pistol hit you make your piss spill

Yo, I think I need me some medicine
I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yo, I'd rather not conversate with you
I don't got nothing to say to you
Yo, Even if we was related, I feel like I'll never relate to you
Yea, doctor gon' give me the medicine, I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine

Right, I got to find me the remedy, most of these niggas be frenemies
Something be wrong with them mentally, just here to suck up the energy
No more benefiting of my shit, I got better vision
And so far, that's my best decision, dog, I ain't come from nepotism
Where I'm from, only death or prison
Curve you, gaff you, only dude was triggered
Your own bread up, that's independent
S or F yea big fat, next one it's the get back
Player haters never prosper
Oscar ribeye with the lobster
Little nigga fix your posture
Keep me something looking proper
Resurrect my whole roster
Already, dropped Don't Smoke Rock
Came back to the block like, "I'm all ready"
Next move, put the world on a levy, right
A boss supposed to teach his team to fish
A few done jumped the gun and seen the cliff
Computer beef for what my G, that's riff
A bunch of frauds with faker jewelery kits

Yo, I think I need me some medicine
I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yo, I'd rather not conversate with you
I don't got nothing to say to you
Yo, Even if we was related, I feel like I'll never relate to you
Yea, doctor gon' give me the medicine, I'm getting sick of these fake niggas
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine
Yea, medicine, yea, medicine

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