
Songtext The ancient horadrim Ancient


The ancient horadrim

I roamed the paths the obscure paths
that lead to the realms of chaos
I lowered myself into the abyss of hate
and ascended the peaks of destruction

and still I walk these putrid paths
seeking the spawn of eternal damnation
my soul's been split like water on sand
and dry is the life I lead

for the powers I have are just a curse
that nibble away at my soul
for merely greed have I opened the gate
for the three to enter foretold

baal mephisto and sheitan are those who offered me valour
the unholy trinity the brothers of hell
who spread only sickening glamour

onwards I march to challenge all hell
and now i'm before the last seal
the red misty portal now opens before me
my mission reverse what i've done
and face the three the fearsome three
until victory is all that I have
my last battle cry is all to be heard
while I fight under a flaming sky

a dark curse now broads over the lands
that aimlessly await what is deemed
deemed to cast only suffering and death
to all who live and all who dream

for I am izual the fallen guardian
banned from the ancient horadrim
aeryel and tyrael my brothers now slayed
for that which my mind had possessed

dying and doomed I limp into the black
and the portal it seals behind me
for I was victorius but banished will be
due to that which I wished had not been

the evil unleashed on the world's destiny
was reversed and the infernal crushed
three brothers of terror three angels of death
sworn to be risen again

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Ancient is a Norwegian black metal band from Eidsvag, Nesset, formed in 1992. The band has released six full-length albums released by Metal Blade Records. Ancient used to have a raw black metal sound, similar to Darkthrone's works. Beginning with The Cainian Chronicle, they moved towards a more Nordic/atmospheric black metal sound, akin to Emperor. After a period of turmoil concerning their line-up, they went on to add gothic-style instruments such as violins, female vocals, and synthesizers to their music.

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