Westside Gunn

Songtext Suicide in selfridges Westside Gunn


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Suicide in selfridges

Welcome to the new Golden Era (Grr, yo-yo)
This that Purple Tape mixed with codeine vibes (Grr, ayo)
Imagine getting Murder Was The Case in the Slum Village
Return of the Boom Bap with two million on the wrist
DJ Drama

Ayo, Tom Brown sellin' sum' surrounded by drug paraphernalia
I dare you to step to the god you been failin' (Ah, I dare you)
Peace to all my niggas live from the East (Peace god)
Why they called (Gangsta)
You don't gotta bust fifteen
Throwin' ace's, I'm steppin' on your shit
Chrome automatic and don't forget the switch (Hold up)
Gotta spin the block on you niggas
Gun holl?r at me
Ayo, ain't nobody fresher, that's word to Mohamm?d
Brains everywhere on the wall, go get some Comet
Back to back Dom Perignon, I bought the ramen
Hangin' out the all-red Ghost with the chopstick
Everything I see you niggas in, I never rocked it
Bet the lil' vest burn a hole through your pocket
I ain't se them out three years, nigga stop it
Shake that shit, bitch, shake it then drop it, man (Shake!)
I'm the man, I'm the lord of all lords
Tom Ford on, plus it smell like Tom Ford, fuck you talkin' 'bout?
Put the .40 in your jaw, I'm a maniac
Couple million on the floor
Ain't nobody fuckin' with the Fendi overall
Pumped out a peg leg, yeah I'm meant to show it off
Yeah I'm Mr. Run Up On You Broad Day And Blow It Off
Yeah I'm Mr. Send A Dummy Pack Through To Throw 'Em Off

(Gangsta Grizills)
Shootouts everyday
Niggas don't dance no more
All they do is this
And then you pray for me

Ready or, ready or not, I'm ready to bust the Glocks
Start it off with a hundred shots popped off
On God, I'm done
Done-done let me fein', and starve and then you eat
I'll carve out your motherfuckin' head
And dunk out your pussy ass I-T-T
When you see me, say
"Papi chulo, you got another dinero"
I say "Hockey hulo"
Pop a nigga with a slapshot, duck 'em off
Hit 'em with the motherfuckin' perc bed, hook it off
Nigga, what you need is another motherfuckin' Hennessy
When I die, put co-ca-ine in my IV
Don't try me, R-I-P
Spray paint everywhere, D-I-E
Done-done, all I see is P-U-S-S-I-E
And if you try me, bitch nigga have you on I-F-C
Thuggin' for real, drug nigga druggin' a deal
Fuck you and flip, bustin' off shots 'til they kill
Tumble and fall, pussy nigga rumbled it all
Got ya pussy ass name written all over the wall

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