Westside Gunn

Songtext Jalen rose Westside Gunn


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Jalen rose

I've been serving fire on the hill block
Since I was knee-high to a water book
Then they put the hamstring, blew my knee out
First time I ever caught a run, it was all or none
And I was all in with the fiends, tryna serve all of them
We was never in the chasing clout
See my haters out and I'ma boil on them
223s left the paint chipped
227 know we change shit
Niggas know the whole gang rich
Gutter lane and on lane switch
All blue strips, fuck a bank slip
We be game timing but this ain't Twitch
Lil' Cudi fighting for attempts
And the double frame on the same switch
Dropping bags, all big as Saint Nick
They say BoJack, that nigga can't miss
Hear all these niggas say that they in the streets
And they on gang shit but it ain't this
Slightly different plot with the same twist top
I be whipping different pots with the same wristwatch
Grinding, chilling in the spot, had the chance to lift locks
Got Custis all through Southwest
Got Clio calling off the East
Got Clux with nine off the fifth
Got Fido barking off the leash
Told me if I'm gon' pay for five, that mean he gon' have to leave ten
Then get the know me, now I have the know me and my idols always kingpin
GXFR, mi jefe, two a, duece, siete
Three Metro car with SA
You comprehend, comprende?
227, 50 Guap, I love my not the thin way
I show you why they call me Blocks, mi tumbo, the Kimbae
One single session, I might burn up like six eighths of gumbo
155 for the brick, the Kimbae, my tumbo
I need that two-tone patty cake the big face with the jumbo
Cubano off the skinny Lambas, the Kimbae, my tumbo

Ayo (What else?), we ran the whole dorm, we had hella lockers
Flying in the biddy and the helibopter
Socks Prada, belt Prada
Shit, you should've shot him, Oakley's Prada, Coke Prada
Niggas praise Osama, shaker with the world bezel
I'm a globe trotter, VVSs on my ankle
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Porsche topless with a rocket
Cartier bagels with a locket
Smiling in the full stocky
Yeah, we got them all poppin'
Yeah, I got your whole watch and interlock
Twenty bottles, wake up, fuck two supermodels
One thick, one flocker, I have all three, some stick twosome
Bitch, roll up, I get a new one
Toss the throwaway, get a new one
Hundred dollar salad with the Brutons
Usher, my boo, that's my buson (My boo)
Fuck your baby mamas while you jizz on
Fuck her from the back, high top Ricks on
I was sellin' crack, I ain't care who want it

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