Anorexia Nervosa

Songtext Stabat mater dolorosa '04 Anorexia Nervosa


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Stabat mater dolorosa '04

We are the Sun
We are the dead stars
We are the black sky
Invading your room
We are the candle
The only light
We are the machines of the past
Forever victims and murderers of your joy

We are Death
The ancient knowledge
The source of origin
The red and white sacred hatred
Enthroned, materialized
The wrath of heaven and hell united in one
Worship us, be faithful
Beautiful great and cursed

Vexilla regis prodeunt, fulget crucis mysterium
Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni

We are the...
Mother of suffering
Bringer of virtue
Possess the Holy, drink the wine
Arise my son, follow me
I've felt the wounds of our race

We are the shadows of all your fathers
The ancestors of those who suffer
Come, when my hand will die upon
Thy forehead, you'll breath in the flames

Stabat Mater Dolorosa, fulget crucis mysterium
Stabat Mater Dolorosa, vexilla regis prodeunt

Be without doubt as you've been without weakness
We will open the five roses
We will awake the seven churches of the final confrontation

Mother of suffering
Hater of mercy, divine whore
Mother of fanatics
Be sure we'll meet again

Stabat Mater Dolorosa, fulget crucis mysterium
Stabat Mater Dolorosa, vexilla regis prodeunt

Chatiee d'etre nee putain
Non, chatiee d'etre nee trop tard
Une seule nuit ne suffit plus
A nous separer du paradis perdu

Mother of suffering
Hater of mercy, divine whore
Mother of fanatics
Hold me, we'll be united as one

Stabat Mater Dolorosa

To serve and to obey
Here is your tragic destiny
Your only choice is the name of your Lord and Everything
Your illusion of madness and liberty
Sealed your eternal enslavement
Slaves to your race

We are the Sun
We are the dead stars
We are the night sky
We are the New Obscurantis Order

New Obscurantis Order

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Anorexia Nervosa is a French symphonic black metal band that started as an industrial metal act from Limoges, France. The band was formed in 1995 and was active for ten years thereafter. They are currently "on hold" due to the departure of vocalist RMS Hreidmarr.

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