Anorexia Nervosa

Songtext Antinferno Anorexia Nervosa


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In the very last days of judgement
I shall spread my spirit
Upon every flesh
Your sons and your daughters
They shall be prophets
And on this day it shall be done
Yes, upon my servants
I shall spread my spirit
And on this day they shall inherit

For the first time you have to make a choice
Would you look down
Or look to the stars
To the ocean and far beyond
To the earth that is to erupt
To the red sky, to the storm
To the people who must die now?

A new cross rises on the hills of Jerusalem
Held by the arms of a stronger Christ

Now this is the very beginning of the end
Now lies have to be broken
Yes, cursed be betrayers
For they shall be left behind
And on this day grace shall be redefined

For the first time you have to make a choice
Would you look down
Or look to the stars
To the ocean and far beyond
To the earth that is to erupt
To the red sky, to the storm
To the people who must die now?

Everyone of us must know
That we are the very last ones
Martyrs and legends
Of a future New Testament

Cum aliquando vesperi
Atris nubilibus
Caelum cingitur
Cum auditur supra
Fulmen tonare
Statimque exstingui
Sile, genua pone !
Vae tibi
Cum venatores
Aestu vesperis
Exsistunt !
Vae audaci
Qui nos in sublime
Adspicere vult !

Now look at me if you dare
It's so bright that it is blinding
A new cross rises on the hills of Jerusalem

Now that all of your nations
Are burned to the ground
Now that the words have no meanings
Experience the last sacrament
Be warm or be forgotten
Yes, upon the faithfuls
I shall spread my spirit
And on this day they shall inherit

A new cross rises on the hills of Jerusalem
Held by the arms of a stronger Christ

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Anorexia Nervosa is a French symphonic black metal band that started as an industrial metal act from Limoges, France. The band was formed in 1995 and was active for ten years thereafter. They are currently "on hold" due to the departure of vocalist RMS Hreidmarr.

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