Brother Ali

Songtext Special effects Brother Ali


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Special effects

I don't want to see you in a screen
I want to feel you in the flesh and on the scene
I love all the words and what it mean
But it's so much to say in the spaces in between
I don't want to watch dots disappear
Listen here first reactions are crystal clear
I want the uncut sentiment
Before you had a chance to second guess and edit it
I love you for the first draft you
All the technology on Earth can't improve
No special effect and no Santa Claus
Uncut, acoustic and analog
A lifetime measured in breaths
The face is a mirror that your heart reflects
And when the eyes meet, they directly connect
And that's what you call true special effects

Staring at your picture hanging nicely on the wall
Longing to be near you because life is way too short
I traveled through the night 'til morning light broke through the storm
Just to see your face again

I don't want to watch your life in picturesI'm trying to be right there with ya
We'll be so rich at the end of all of this
We can scroll through memories without any filter
I'm trying to share life as it comes
No time-line from the night to the sun
Crème de la crème and crust and the crumbs
Type of love you can't type with your thumbs
Let me not hear your voice in a speaker
I'm tryna feel the breath as it leaves ya
Message receieved, you best to believe
Your real life friend is requesting to see you
I'm here to watch your story unfold
I don't really want to only be told
Everything I hold is pressed to my chest
That's what you call special effects

Staring at your picture hanging nicely on the wall
Longing to be near you because life is way too short
I traveled through the night 'til morning light broke through the storm
Just to see your face again

Into me you see I see
Inherit in here I hear
I give fidelity free
See my peers appear my dear
Groove to the beat that frees your mind state
Put your heartbeat on vibrate
In other words what
In other words huh

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