Brother Ali

Songtext Can't take that away Brother Ali


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Can't take that away

I loved you before I knew that you existed
It really isn't anybody's business
Not asking for permission or a witness
It honestly doesn't make any difference
Living in this insane mess
There's only one person that can make me make sense
I've got troubles and my own fears
But as long as you're alive, I'm not alone here
My mirror, when I'm right near you
Your guiding light shines to see my life clearer
You're so woven inside my spirit
Even when you're not around I feel you
Lord knows they don't come no realer
My soul road dog my healer
The only reason I believe in me
I'm trying to be what you seem to see

When the highs get low and joys turn woes
I'll be close forever and a day
They can't take that away
They can't take that away
(Right) When your world start falling, I can read about it all in your face
You ain't even gotta say
They can't take that away
They can't take that away
When you make your mistakes, my heart is a place
Where you're safe I never would betray
They can't take that away
And what you made mine is true
Lifetime full of treasures, I'll never repay
They can't take that away

I love you and there's nothing you can do about it
I love you right through all your human problems
I might've got excited at you and shouted
But you never let me down when it truly counted
Nothing could ever break the bond
Whatever page you're on
Celebrate or mourn, babies born or parents gone
No matter how crazy the storm, you won't face it alone
The best part of me is drawn to you
Me and anything I own belong to you
I treasure everything important to you
Any secret I ever had I show them to you
I owe you nothing but the whole truth
I wouldn't want to meet the me that doesn't know you
The only reason I believe in me
I'm trying to be what you seem to see

When the highs get low and joys turn woes
I'll be close forever and a day
They can't take that away
They can't take that away
When your world start falling, I can read about it all in your face
You ain't even gotta say
They can't take that away
They can't take that away
When you make your mistakes, my heat is a place
Where you're safe I never would betray
They can't take that away
And what you made mine is true (ah, it's love)
Lifetime full of treasures, I'll never repay
They can't take that away

These are wounds, not scars
It will only be a scar when it stops bleeding, stops hurting
You can forget about scars
But you cannot forget about wounds
Everyone meets the injured with sympathy or disgust
Do you need a tissue?
No, I need stiches

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