Brother Ali

Songtext Shine on Brother Ali


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Der musikalische text SHINE ON von BROTHER ALI ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The bite marked heart - mixtape (2012)

The bite marked heart - mixtape


Shine on

I had seen you when the hosted seated you
In a station of mine still I'm taking my time
Made sure the homie got seized made up my mind
Through a napkin over my sleeve straightened my tie
Mind if I humble you through the fold of your menu
Couture all up against you, oh lord
How could I convince you I just met you
And I'm instantly listening to your instrumental
Poor me I poured water inside your glass
For a brief moment our eyes had kinda met
I confess I felt that inside my chest
Almost made quite a mess yet I digress
I would guess you're meeting a date here
I offer she order hors d'oeuvres while she wait here
She brushed her bangs to clear off her face yeah
Parted her lips and turned crab cakes to Shakespeare
The way the lady bait a trap I'm afraid to ask
My imagination act I run away with that
Run away with me I swear I'm not a maniac
I'll give you that pretty diamond ring and last name to match
I ain't saying I practiced waiting in the back
I know I better make it fast before her date get back
Yeah I placed the order grabbed the plate relaxed
Here let me fix my face get my game in tact
Fear I chased the clock as I can't make it stop
I played the waiter job made it to the table top
Time to play your cards ace take your shot
Before I could speak he showed up to devastate the plot
A real server showed up my plan fell through
Sir are you all together ma'm can I help you
She looking puzzled I stand without words
I'm sorry I don't really work here awkward

Let me explain I ain't much for waiting see
So when I saw you take a seat I played maitre d'
She replied angrily
Mr I can't believe you'd stand your grown ass in this place and play games with me
Crazy freak wait how did you get all that food
I ordered it from the table around the corner and brought it to you
Can't say I thought it through ma'm it's all sorta new
But when I saw you I sorta knew I had to talk to you
And nothing in my arsenal seemed possible
So I called an audible served you I'm honored to
I didn't mean to bother you I just wanted to watch a few
Moments of your life much like a fly on wall would do
Never mind me the light from unusually bright shine blinded me
So that was all I could see understand if you don't want to talk to me
I'll just leave pardon me I'll just take this little broken heart and leave
Wait that was a stupid thing to do but my date didn't show up and my table is set for two
I pulled on my coat like aw look at you
That's all I really wanted ma'm enjoy your afternoon
I'm through

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