Brother Ali

Songtext Electric energy Brother Ali


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Der musikalische text ELECTRIC ENERGY von BROTHER ALI ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The bite marked heart - mixtape (2012)

The bite marked heart - mixtape


Electric energy

Search for satisfacts
She needed relief out on the floor
Drove from Minnesota to watch in Chicago
He forgot her name five minutes ago
Changed majors in college, you know
She could be anybody from out on the road
He trying to get out of here? You already know
He already know how to pick em
Chicks that didn't bring a whole lot of people with em
And everyone else go home but she lingers
She wants to make it known she's not a groupie
Didn't even pull out his room key
He smiled and said, "I know, but we'll see"
The longer they talk, the closer she stand
Casually touching his shoulder and hand
He telling corny-ass jokes but she laughs
It was over before it began
She said that her ex-boyfriend was a fan
She bout to upgrade while getting back at him
High off the (energy)
Your lips can lie but your eyes can't hide
You're so high off the (energy)
Do you love me, baby? Do you love me?
Do you love me, baby?
Whether it's a dive bar or packed coliseum
Some amount of people paid money to see him
So ladies want to be with him, fellas want to be him
Lot of people never got that feeling
Spotlight gleaming, audience screaming
Really can't blame a poor girl for dreaming
Normal is too big a load to carry
At least this boy is extra-ordinary
So screwing him makes her extraordinary
At least you're at the head of the line for headliner
If he could be mine even for that hour
Somehow you'll return and might absorb that power
She's the winner of the prize
Muse of the music, getting him inspired
Convinced that he sings directly in your eyes
And these fans don't know nothing
He leave the show, they adore him and love him
But tonight you're the woman that holds him when he's
High off the (energy)
Your lips can lie but your eyes can't hide
You're so high off the (energy)
Do you love me, baby? Do you love me?
Do you love me, baby?
He's talking about, All these bitches in the party wanna
fuck me
He treats them the way he feels, which is ugly
Misery hates itself and loves company
So thirsty for that feeling
Desperately need to believe what they're hearing so
Their smiley face replace the mirror
Feed that ego, let's just feel, though
Stage got to be extra tall cause he feels low
Libido fill the holes in a beer so
Make em scream, make em cream, make em bend
Make him forget he's more naked than them
In the land of make-believe and pretend
She loves him up like a husband
But he got hundreds of these, it's disgusting
Silly little boy, do you think that she doesn't?
Buzzards need buzzards, these are not lovers
Two scared suckers masturbating on each other
Don't forget to wear your rubbers
When you're high off the.
High off the (energy)
Your lips can lie but your eyes can't hide
You're so high off the (energy)
Do you love me, baby? Do you love me?
Do you love me, baby?

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