
Songtext Shaka zulu Tyga


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Der musikalische text SHAKA ZULU von TYGA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The gold album: 18th dynasty (2015)

The gold album: 18th dynasty


Shaka zulu

Looking at myself, I see the man, nigga
I'mma call it like I say it, I'mma call you bitch made nigga
All of this is not to entertain niggas
I got held up at the light reaching for my switchblade, nigga
Poppers on a Spanish with the gauge, nigga
If I tell you that the babysitter's dead, don't play, nigga
Reach inside your pockets, dial H, nigga
If you need help with pressure, don't drive this way, nigga
You know I got schizophrenic tendencies
I dream of porn stars and pouring gas on my enemies
If I get a check, I'm not the vet
I'm a dawg ass nigga looking for a hot bitch

Shaka Zulu with the new do with the TEC
This is not a purchase, everyday life shit
I've been praying for your downfall, man
But all I see is bad bitches coming down the hill, damn
Shaka Zulu new do with the TEC
Don't tell anybody that the babysitter's dead
And I heard it from a birdie, it was dead
How'd they bring you back to life? That's a start resurrect

She bowed to her knees, want forgiveness
But all I could think about was coming out of speakers
She a fun girl living on the edge
Poppa ran a hedge fund, all his daughter do is give head
Said he had it up to head and neck
Don't you point the thing at me, it could go off offside your head
Temple to the brain, now he dead
That's a life learned lesson, never stress over bullshit
Wasn't even her why he did it
But he found his wife with his daughter's boyfriend, nigga damn
That's some fucked shit over sex
These bitches overrated and I judge 'em like "who next?"

Temple to the brain from the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead
And I heard it from a birdie, it was dead
How'd they bring you back to life? That's a start resurrect, nigga
Shaka Zulu new do with the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead
And I heard it from a birdie, it was dead
How'd they bring you back to life? That's a start resurrect, nigga

Six weeks, had to vacate
Ain't a resident in sight, just a beach, making sex tapes
Sure, say the shit to my face
She gon' get me off, nigga, like bug spray
Bitches all fake and fanatics, causing ruckus with a ratchet
Don't you put that on your loved ones, you are not my level pattern
This is Pacquiao and pack it peddle faster like a Flintstone
On a roll, full of ashes, we just run you, this the legion
Zulu, it's all gone
Zulu, forever perished
Ten bedrooms in the palace
But your Playboy bunny's ears full of carrots, I told y'all

Shaka Zulu new do with the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead
And I heard it from a birdie, it was dead
How'd they bring you back to life? That's a start resurrect, nigga
Temple to the brain from the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead
And I heard it from a birdie, it was dead
How'd they bring you back to life? That's a start resurrect, nigga
Temple to the brain from the TEC
I go temple to the brain from the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead, nigga

Glory be, lord to be
Fashion so fucking unorderly
Move accordingly, don't order me
You poorer than me, more can afford the fee
Word to Meek, 100 in the dungarees
Who claim the game, we're young living like Meek
Click on the tee, Lord of Rings, you order me
Theatric fairytale's become extinct
Fuck the peace, I put a piece on my neck
'Bout the size of a Complex magazine
I'm not for sale, I bought your dreams
Leonardo DaVinci, the Bentley boost my self-esteem
Bitches cling like the chain already been doing the same thing
I mean this gold [?]
I'm tryna bob and weave, why you chasing me?
I'm on my victory lap, can't you see?

Temple to the brain from the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead, nigga
I go temple to the brain from the TEC
Don't you tell anybody that the babysitter's dead, nigga

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